Mark Levin Calls for Criminal Investigation of Sen. Mitch McConnell & Wife Elaine Chao

COMMENTARY 02/16/21 updated 02/21/21

The U.S. Senate Must Censor and Remove Sen. Mitch McConnell from office; thus, permitting Gov. Andolf Beshear (D-KY) to appoint a replacement. 

For the second time in years, Mark Levin called for a criminal grand jury to examine the specious financial empire of Sen. Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, and her Chinese Communist (ChiCom) family ties from which McConnell became a multimillionaire.

Special Guest, Peter Schweitzer (“Secret Empires” author) incriminated McConnell in a scheme against the interests of the USA, its citizens, and national security, all for self enrichment and aggrandizement of his own ego. 

Mr. McConnell appears to be an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to the citizens of Kentucky, the national security interests of the USA, and its separate and several states, possessions, and territories. 

Levin described McConnell as a self-serving bully who uses extortionate / bribery-like tactics typical of mobsters by threatening to withhold Republican financial support of candidates and/or threatening to put up another candidate to ‘primary’ them. 

If true, such schemes may violate campaign laws, RICO (Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act 18 USC Sec. 1960, et. seq.) and other federal criminal statutes.

Levin’s comment comes after McConnell threw former President Trump ‘under the bus’ by calling for criminal charges against Trump for his alleged ‘role’ in the January 6, 2021 insurrection attack on the Capitol Building. 

Meanwhile Congress deliberated the validation of the Coup d’etat of Biden, who was quickly reinforced under the aegis of a military Junta (the national guard, Capital police, etc.) under the direction of pyscho Senators Pelosi, Schumer, and other criminally insane members of Congress / Deep State who hate the American culture and people

Ref.: Mark Levin Radio Show during the second hour, between 30 – 45 minutes into the show on Tues. 02/16/21. Editor’s commentary analysis added. Wording, unless quoted, is Editor’s opinion of what was said and what was meant.

Mark Levin Radio Show – 3d hour (Tues. 02/16/21): 

Mr. Levin believes the NAACP suit against Trump, Juliani, et. al., does not have standing.

Instead, if black lives matter [they do as all lives matter] then the NAACP should be focusing on murders of blacks by blacks in Chicago, etc., abortion clinics placed primarily in minority neighborhoods (by Planned Parenthood, the devil spawn-child of racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger) , lack of school choice that would allow black kids to attend premier primary and secondary schools instead of low quality public schools, etc.

The NAACP cited the KKK law as basis for suit despite the undeniable historical fact that the Democrat Party created the KKK to hold blacks down.

Biden is tied to segregationists in the senate, saying “I don’t want my kids attending school in a racial jungle.” ‘This is a fake lawsuit.’ – Levin (Editor’s commentary supplemented by notes from other shows).

PJM’s Robert Spencer article – Biden will set back the relationship between USA & Israel. First Pres., in modern history to punt Israeli relations (Free Beacon).

Trump moved the USA embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and solved decades old conflicts by negotiating three peace treaties. President Trump got three nominations for Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 (after his 2018 nomination for moving the embassy).

These facts have NEVER been reported by the CORRUPT PROPAGANDA MEDIA known as the ‘mainstream media.’ 

Obama’s anti Israeli efforts cost hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to unlawfully influence the elections there against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Do NOT donate to the National Republican Senatorial Committee which has millions – McConnell’s “slush fund.”

Levin said do not support anyone who supports McConnell nor anyone who will NOT denounce him … he is a disgrace, done nothing significant [except build personal weatlth by selling out America to China]. 

Levin’s comment means Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron, may not be re-electable unless he condemns Sen. Mitch McConnell, his political mentor.

Compounding Levin’s decree is the outrage in the Louisville black community over their allegation that Cameron failed to properly present to a Grand Jury evidence against the police who shot and killed fire-fighter employee Brianna Taylor in 2020. The case is being followed by the revived Court TV’s Vito Politano and crew, who are mostly attorneys. 

References: Citations are not intended to express nor imply endorsement of JK content by the owner of the link. 

2/16/21 – 2/17/21

Audio Rewind | The Mark Levin Show or copy & paste

Mark Levin Podcast stream – scroll to the date using scroll bar on right of list; then click the number assigned to your show date to hear the audio at Megaphone: A Modern Podcasting Platform or copy & paste

3/03/21 Deep State Blocked Investigation of Elaine Chao or copy & paste


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