Pres. Biden Buying Sen. Manchin’s Vote on Filibuster


Mark Levin said (3/26/21) President Biden has nominated Ms. Gayle Conelly Manchin for a seat on the Appalachian Regional Commission, quid pro quo, to bribe her husband, Sen. Joe Manchin (R-WV) to vote in favor of eliminating the filibuster rule.

Filibuster is a parliamentary procedure that buffers rapid passage of radical legislation by stalling floor votes.

If the filibuster rule is eliminated, Biden will be able to ram through radical laws discriminating against Caucasians in every aspect of American society; changing election rules nationwide; interfering with Second Amendment gun rights, immigration law, and many other items on the radical agenda.

The goal of radicals is to crush the American economy and crash the American dollar, enabling global elitists like Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, et al., to end freedom and subjugate all nations.

The filibuster rule was used scores of times by Biden and Obama while each was a U.S. Senator; but, now the Democrat Party claims the filibuster rule is suddenly ‘Jim Crow’ racist. If true, this would mean both Obama and Biden are Jim Crow racists.

Historical Context

After the Civil War ended in 1865, freed blacks were being elected to the U.S. Congress from the South, thanks to the late President Abraham Lincoln (R-IL).

In response, the Democrat Party created the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to oppress blacks and deter them from enjoying full citizenship rights.

The Democrat Party also enacted so-called ‘Jim Crow’ laws that set up obstacles against blacks to deter them from enjoying full citizenship rights.

Almost one-hundred years after the Civil War ended slavery, President John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) proposed a Civil Rights Act to protect all the rights of black citizens; but, the Democrat Party blocked its passage.

After Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, President Johnson (D-TX) carried the Kennedy Civil Rights Act into the next sessions of Congress. In fact, Johnson adopted all of Kennedy’s policies EXCEPT on peace.

The Republican Party pushed the Civil Rights Act into law, against the obstructions of Johnson’s own political party.

Johnson escalated the Vietnam War on specious grounds to appease the Roman Catholic Church which was fighting the Vietnamese Communist regime for the right to religious freedom.

Lady Bird Johnson‘s company made a literal fortune repaving roads that her husband’s regime bombed during the war.



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