Trump Calls “McConnell a Stone Cold Loser”

Speaking from his Mar-a-Lago home, former President Trump called Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell a “stone cold loser,” and a “son of a bitch.”

Former Pres. Trump was speaking at a Republican Party fundraiser at his exquisite Mar-a-Lago (Sea-to-Lake) resort in Palm Beach, Florida when he ridiculed the corrupt McConnell.

The pair have been feuding since before January 6, 2021, because McConnell called for fellow Republicans to reject Trump’s challenge to certification of the November 2020 election results.

McConnell voted against conviction in Trump’s second fake impeachment by the Democrat Party; but, accused Trump of being “morally responsible” for the unarmed peaceful ‘insurrection’ at the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.

During Trump’s campaign for reelection in 2020, he introduced McConnell as “rock-ribbed,” which savvy Kentuckians realized was a satiric jab against McConnell’s RINO politics and his weak response to all things conservative.

Best-selling author, Peter Schweitzer (“Secret Empires”) incriminated McConnell in alleged federal crimes for his under-handed deals with his wife’s family business in China.

But, McConnell is still powerful enough to shield his wife, Elaine Chao, former Transportation Secretary, from criminal investigation after the Inspector General referred her misconduct to the DOiJ.

Ms. Chao, a Red ChiCom (*) national, is heiress to a prominent Chinese family shipping transport business in Beijeng , China.

The IG accused Chao of using her political position to obtain personal work / favors from employees under her supervision.

Kentuckians may recall that Richie Farmer (R) former Kentucky Agriculture Secretary, was convicted of similar abuse of power and was sentenced to 27 months in federal prison.

Cronies were unable to extricate Farmer from the morass his misconduct got him into.

Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell are in a class that enjoys unconstitutional protection from prosecution by the DOJ [Department of ‘Just-Us’].

Other members of the protected class include the Clintons and clan, the Obamas and cronies, sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein (crony of Clintons); and, hundreds of other fascists.


* Red ChiCom is an acronym coined by the late Rush Limbaugh for Red Chinese Communist fascists. It is a political description, not a racial slur. During the McCarthy Congressional era in the 1940s-50s, communism was represented by the color red. It has nothing to do with the red state designation for the American Republican party.



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