Feds Investigating Louisville Metro Police

Washington, D.C.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced a federal investigation into the practices of the Louisville Metropolitan Police.

The decision comes in response to the Louisville Breonna Taylor case; and, follows the murder conviction of officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, MN, for the death of citizen, George Floyd.

Breonna Taylor was an off-duty Louisville EMT tech who was gunned down by police in response to her boyfriend’s self-defense gunfire when police broke into Taylor’s apartment in the middle of the night.

One officer was indicted by a grand jury for misfire into surrounding apartments; but, Kentucky law specifies that the other officers were entitled to defend themselves when Taylor’s boyfriend brought first shots when he rightfully thought someone was breaking in.

Charges against Taylor’s boyfriend were dropped and attorney Ben Crump got a $12 million settlement for Taylor’s estate.


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