Boston May Ban Facial Recognition Technology in City Spy Cams

(Boston, MA) [CourtTV] 6/09/21

Due to the built-in bias against Asians and people of color, especially black women, the city of Boston is considering whether to ban use of facial technology.

Big brother’s street spy cams capture thousands of images of people everyday.

In Boston, several cases of misidentification have wrecked the lives of innocent citizens, prompting the council to consider banning the controversial Orwellian technology.

Facebook and Google capture your facial data points when you are tagged in a photo by yourself or friends; unless you have taken steps to opt out of such tagging and use of facial recognition.

All doorbell cams sold by Amazon automatically permit police to use all images captured by those units without a warrant due to the agreements in place.

If these data sharing technologies offend you, then opt out and never buy a doorbell spy cam.

However, facial recognition technology may also be used on video captured in commercial stores, streets, etc.

Welcome to the brave new world.

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