Limbaugh Replacements: an Illiterate & Ex-Deep State Employee


Clay Travis and Buck Sexton have permanently replaced the Rush Limbaugh Show on the golden EIB microphone established by the late Rush, RIP.

Last week (of 6/21/21) Buck (or was it Clay) mispronounced the word gubernatorial as “GUB-a-na-tor-ial,” using a short-vowel ‘U’; and, used the term of “mediums” as the plural of “medium.”

Gubernatorial is properly pronounced with a long U (goo-ber-na-tor-ial) not the short U used by Bucky (or was it Clay).

The plural of medium is media, Bucky (or Clay). Clearly, y’all attended dumbed-down public schools (with dumbed-down teachers).

That means we have the dumbed-down complaining about the dumbed-down current school systems; talk about compound interest!

Apparently, Clay’s best contribution is that he is ‘former CIA intel;’ and, Glenn Beck discovered him for the talk show world.

Great ones like Limbaugh, while alive, always selected hosts who were a cut below his own talent and intelligence, if only because it made him look even better than we thought he was. Apparently that’s one aspect of his modus operandi that survives him.

Filling valuable airtime with dunnage(*) consisting of the vicissitudes of Buck and Clay’s lives is a monstrous imposition on current listeners.

My response so far is, to quote Monty Python, “I don’t like spam, I don’t like it.”

The replacement show is compromised by a former CIA employee because the CIA is part of the totally CORRUPT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, exposed by Rush Limbaugh.

Rush and others exposed James Comey (ex-FBI Director) and John Brennan (ex-CIA Director) both of whom helped corrupt the major investigative arms of the DOJ from head to toe.

Mark Levin, protege of Rush Limbaugh, has also thoroughly exposed the DOJ as thoroughly corrupt in episodes of his radio show as well as in his books, especially Men in Black; and, with guests like Sydney Powell, Peter Sweitzer, and others.

To summarize, the Buck Sexton and Clay Travis Show is tainted by the presence of an illiterate who has a deep state operative side kick. I’m just say’n.

There were many other brilliant conservative analysts capable of delivering a higher standard of analysis, including Mark Stein, Joe Pags; and, any of the other regular substitute hosts of the Rush Limbaugh Show. They were not selected.

I never heard Buck Sexton nor Clay Travis substitute for Rush; and, Joe Pags is an objective other candidate who would have been a much better host than two bozo hosts we never heard of.


Use of ‘dunnage’ is for political illustrative purpose pursuant to my poetic license as a published editor and author.

One thought on “Limbaugh Replacements: an Illiterate & Ex-Deep State Employee

  1. Yeah & on or about Wed., 4/27/2022 during first hour (circa 15 min to 45 min into program) Clay Travis proved again how illiterate he is by saying the “Ministry of Truth” was from Harry Potter book when in fact it is from Orwell’s 1984. When Buck questioned the source, Clay tried to walk it back by saying it is from either Harry Potter or Orwell. This makes me think he never read “1984” bc who would forget that part of Big Brother? He strikes me as a dumb-ass who hears other people talking about something and tries to own what brighter people talk about. What a phony.

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