Louisville’s Golf Cart Murder Trial on CourtTV

COMMENTARY / July 6, 2021
(Louisville, Ky., CourtTV)

Com. v. Lazaro Pozo Illas

The Louisville jury recommended 20 to 30 years in prison for capital murder charge.

Lazaro Pozo Illas drove his vehicle through a golf cart crossing where all vehicles must yield to the golf carts, as though pedestrians.

The golf cart driver died and passenger suffered injuries.

Upon a guilty verdict, the jury recommended 20 to 30 years in prison.

A juror later told CourtTV that the jury was agreeable to a harsher sentence (life in prison) had the prosecutor sought it.

Between June and July, CourtTV did an excellent job covering real news in Elizabethtown (Com. v. Martin) and Louisville (Com. v. Illas).





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