52 Democrat Politicians are Fugitives Evading Civil Arrest

Texas Supreme Court Allows Arrest of Democrat Politicians Who Obstructed House Quorem Rule to Block the People’s Business

(Austin, TX) 8/10/21


The 52 Texas House Democrats who fled from Austin, Texas to Washington, D.C., to obstruct the People’s business in the state house have civil arrest warrants issued against them and are now fugitives from legislative duty.

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) signed the civil arrest warrants which have the same force and effect as criminal warrants inasmuch as the legislators will be arrested, strip searched, and lodged in county detention.

The miscreant Democrats may be transported in chains from the detention center to be seated in the legislature, in chains.

Democrats have earned the opprobrium of arrest and detention which they brought upon themselves by subverting the course of public legislation.

In some states, the miscreant Democrats would also be subject to further discipline by the state house, including up to removal from the seat they hold.

You can’t perform the duties of your office when you flee like a coward from the majority of the legislature. It’s a violation of the solemn oath of office.


The Blaze


Texas Tribune


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