Americans Left Behind by Biden are Rescued by

9/01/21 – COMMENTARY on Glen Beck Show

While Rogue President Biden ‘whistles past the graveyard,’ of American citizens deliberately left behind in Afghanistan, a private NGO ( today removed vulnerable Americans who were left behind in Afghanistan.

Run and operated by retired military special operations agents, members located and brought to safety Americans whose exit from Afghanistan was obstructed by Rogue President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Kabul which left 13 dead USA soldiers and scores of civilians.

Conservative pundit, Glen Beck, interviewed a leader of today (09/01/21) who said retired military veterans like one now working for Amazon called in sick to participate in the rescue in Afghanistan; another was an elementary school teacher now who likewise helped.

Erstwhile, rogue President Biden lied, saying that all Americans who wanted out could get out. But, when the last chopper and airplane left Kabul today, scores of Americans and allied Afghanis were abandoned, unable to safely get to the airport.

Biden, who Mark Levin referred to as “cognitively unhinged,” [Levin, 8/31/21] was the subject of a failed effort to bring article of impeachment to the floor of the House.

The impeachment vote was blocked by the infamous witchery of Sen. Nancy Pelosi who has a fiendish fetish for designer ice cream while the USA burns under Democrat Party plots and riots against humanity.

The Democrat Party, supported by a corrupt USA Department of Justice that excused the 2019 violent riots (fires, looting, assaults, etc.) of the Black Lives Matter movement in many cities including Seattle; yet, viciously and relentlessly hunted down for criminal prosecution those Trump supporters who merely entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2020 to protest a fraudulent certification of election of Rogue, Joe Biden.

Many believe that Rogue President Joe Biden was installed by an armed military junta under the aegis of the corrupt Department of Justice, CIA, FBI, global shadow government and other subversive enemies within like Sen. Mitch McConnell along with Chinese operatives and others in the deep state (DOJ, CIA, FBI, etc.).

Levin said McConnell is the worst of the sell-outs, “… he’s an old bull who doesn’t understand what’s going on. …” [7:19 p.m., EST, 08/11/21, Mark Levin Radio Show]

Levin referred to rogue President Biden as “… a man who should not be president, narcissistic evil old man.” [8/17/21 Mark Levin Radio Show]

In the same show, Levin referred to the Department of Justice as the Department of Injustice, something your humble Editor has been doing for years.

Mark Levin’s book, Men in Black, documents a sinister concerted action to dismantle our Constitution case by case through corrupt judicial decisions calculated to promote the interests of the deep state operatives who infiltrated and corrupted the legitimately formed government of We the People.


“Profiles in Corruption” by Peter Schweitzer, incriminating the Biden family in racketeering (RICO) violations. 18 USC Sec. 1960 et seq. – interviewed by Mark Levin on 8/12/21.

“American Marxism” by Mark Levin

Mark Levin Radio Show 8/17/21 demanding that Sen. Mitch McConnell call for impeachment



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