Why McConnell Caved in on Debt Ceiling Vote

According to the Mark Levin Radio Show, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, Ky.) caved in to Sen. Chuckie Schumer (D) to permit a vote on increasing the debt ceiling through December 3, 2021 in order to placate RINOs who wanted to attend a major RINO fund-raiser this week.

According to Levin, McConnell controls campaign money supporting RINO candidates in every Republican primary instead of supporting true conservatives who care about preserving American culture (language, borders, law).

And, McConnell pretends to be conservative when he ever so rarely skips through Kentucky on secret unannounced photo-op trips [like the coward he is].

McConnell, whose indictable corruption [see Secret Empires by Peter Schweitzer] is committed with impunity because he is protected by a ROGUE corrupt Dept. of InJustice, according to all we can garner from Mark Levin [see Men in Black] and Mark’s nightly radio broadcast.

The Inspector General referred Elaine Chao (McConnell’s arranged Red Chi Com wife] for criminal investigation by the ROGUE corrupt Dept. of InJustice, to no avail because DOiJ corruption.

We know who you are, we see what you do thanks to Mark Levin Radio Show, Chris Plante, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Clyde Lewis, George Noory, and scores of other patriots.

What's Your Gutsy Feeling on this?