FCPS Superintendent Liggins “Completely Supports” CRT (Critical Race Theory)

Promotes CRT as a “… Different Point of View” (See Video Clip Below)

COMMENTARY: Liggins may Expand FCPS’ Alleged Clandestine CRT Brainwashing

See the “Note” at end of article for more current information.

Original 11/01/21 (Imprimatur 12/13/23)

The Fayette County Board of Education has selected Dr. Demetrus Liggins as new Superintendent partly because he is agreeable to expanding Critical Race Theory (CRT) which has been allegedly clandestinely operating in Fayette County Public Schools administration and classrooms for perhaps many years (before Liggins). In fact, all candidates concurred on the 1619 Project question asked by WLEX-TV Channel 18’s Dia Davidson.

The 1619 Project is one CRT program being inserted in public schools nationwide. 1619’s CRT teaches hatred of whites in violation of all known biblical standards of brotherly love, including the Ten Commandments; and, the U.S.A. Constitution Articles I, V, IX, X, XIV, et. al.

The CRT and sex propaganda was allegedly inserted into school curricula via some national teachers’ unions, apparently many years ago. All teachers are not necessarily members of the union.

JK Prepared the following transcript of Dr. Demetrus Liggins’ interview conducted by News Reader, Dia Davidson (*).

Transcript Starts at Diversity Question 15:46 (minutes : seconds):

Dia Davidson (*): “Please share your thoughts on teaching, equity, inclusion, and diversity as it relates to Dr. Nicole Hanna Jones’ 1619 project where students learn a more inclusive study as it relates to race and the significant contribution of African Americans to that history which starts with 1619 when the first enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas.”

Dr. Liggins: “Well, obviously I’m for inclusion, equity, for teaching our history in the way that it actually happened, … I completely support it. 

I don’t necessarily I don’t personally see the history indeed the past so I don’t see the controversy of teaching actually what happened as it happened, um some think it implies it didn’t occur, so it’s actually just applying more knowledge to a situation that actually …

… and letting our students people understand things from different perspectives and points of view

… one of the amazing things about the time we are living is that we are becoming more cognitive of the different lenses that people are taking the same things images similar things seeing something different from those;

and our students have opportunity to see themselves in texts, in positions, whether gender, race, language, or culture, it makes a huge difference or impact on them and how they actually retain information how they learn and achieve overall.

So I think I would love to have different perspectives on a variety of things.

One we implemented in Texas, students have opportunity to take African American studies, Mexican American studies and and and [sic] its all really occurring through U.S. history lens so it’s really just going broader into a more inclusive sense of what occurred during the time period, so I completely support it.” [18:25]

White children have committed suicide in direct response to the CRT racist brainwashing attack according to pundit, Mark Levin. If the school system was teaching CRT against nonwhites, there would be riots in protest.

CRT is disguised under various euphemisms, including Dr. Nicole Hanna Jones’ 1619 project, a fraudulent program teaching Black Supremacy as the world’s salvation from fictitious White Supremacy in a world whose population is about 1 billion whites and 7 billion nonwhites. White people are the global minority.

Whites built vibrant societies in Europe, America, Canada, and Australia, that now welcome people of all heritage who are eager to escape the hell created by nonwhites in their native nations. But, CRT teaches that whites are the evil oppressors when, in fact, nonwhite nations and dictators oppress billions more nonwhites than whites ever did.

CRT is a Marxist brainwashing program designed to disrupt racial advancements in our modern civil society that were accomplished mostly by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of an America which is a color-blind society, judging by the content of one’s character, not the color of one’s skin.

Dr. King Jr., received the Nobel Peace Prize and his dream was largely fulfilled before Marxist, Barack Hussein Obama, was installed as President of the USA, the first known mixed-race president.

Obama used the bully pulpit to disrupt peaceful race relations (beer summit, Furgeson, Missouri cases, etc.) create turmoil, feed enemies of the USA with money and nuclear power, attack civil police authority, and impugn America abroad.

CRT falsely alleges that the USA was founded in 1619 when slaves were allegedly first brought here.

There is no doubt that the Pilgrims landed in the Seventeenth Century and made a settlement called Plymouth Rock. The various 13 colonies eventually became an informal confederacy which eventually became the United States of America (USA).

All legitimate historical documents prove that the USA was founded beginning in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain’s King George, and the ensuing Revolutionary War against Great Britain.

Following the Revolutionay War, the 13 colonies of America convened a Congress, establishing the United States of America in 1789.

The inspired Constitution of the USA includes civil opportunities to amend it for the purpose of forming “a more perfect union.”

The Congress quickly added ten amendments to the Constitution which became known as the Bill of Rights, restricting the power of Government, not restricting the sovereignty of a citizen.

Here are the objective facts:

  • whites are about one-eighth of the world’s population; the other 7 billion are nonwhite. That’s billion with a “B.”
  • CRT teaches that many of the life-changing inventions that actually came from Europe and her descendants were all stolen from nonwhites.
  • despite the fact that nonwhite history dominates the world’s historical records for centuries before primitive and modern Europe emerged on the world stage.
  • for centuries, Africa remained an ignorant population which was subjugated by dominant African tribes and Chieftains who invented few, if any, significant items to advance themselves and their fellow humans.
  • in fact, African Chieftains helped kidnap their own citizens to sell into slavery, with a Roman Catholic priest always at their side to see the victims off to the slave ships.
  • while primitive Europeans made advances in all fields through the measured use of fire, metal, and earth materials, Africa’s dictators continued to repress Africa.
  • Africa’s self-repression made it a ripe field for subjugation by various global empires over the centuries; and, eventually by the British, whose cruelty against indigenous populations unjustly put an onerous against all white people.
  • Enslavement of others has been recorded as old as biblical history; and, white Jews, white Irish, black and other slaves have historical links to the USA secondarily to all other nations who started slave trading centuries before it was imported to the USA.
  • The USA was one of the first nations to abolish slavery in the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation by Republican President Abraham Lincoln.

___ Reference Sources:

Dr. Liggins’ Prior Employment

Greenville, TX Independent School District $54 million in bond funding completely unaccounted for; $3 million in tax funding misappropriated, Superintendent Liggins referred an audit to the District Attorney for criminal investigation.

Liggins did the right thing; he should order an audit of FCPS as his first objective act. He must disavow CRT and banish it from FCPS if he wishes to be fair and objective. 


IMPRIMIS: Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It
March 2021 • Volume 50, Number 3 • Christopher F. Rufo
Christopher F. Rufo
Founder and Director, Battlefront (a think tank)

FCPS Press Release:

“Provide all students, regardless of their ability, race, language, or family income, with opportunities and experiences to become successful, productive students and citizens.” – Dr. Liggins

Dr. Demetrus Liggins has served since 2016 as superintendent of schools in Greenville Independent School District, an urban district of 5,000 students outside of Dallas, Texas.

Previously, Dr. Liggins has been a bilingual/Spanish classroom teacher; an assistant principal; an elementary, middle, and high school principal; and an area superintendent of schools, in districts with as many as 35,000 students.

In his current role, Dr. Liggins has increased student outcomes at all levels, including minority and economically disadvantaged students’ performance, led the creation of a 5-year strategic plan and graduate profile, and transitioned several traditional schools to schools of choice, which helped improve equity across the district.

He was named an Inspiring Leader by the Texas Association of School Administrators and was among the first to complete the American Association of School Administrators National Superintendent Certification.

He earned the Distinguished Leadership Award from Texas A&M University in Commerce, Texas. Dr. Liggins received his bachelor’s in education and master degree in English from California State University, Fresno and a Master of Education and superintendent certification from Stephen F. Austin State University.

He received his Ph.D. in K-16 educational leadership and policy from University of Texas-Arlington.

12/14/23 NOTE:

Superintendent Liggins has appeared monthly on the Jack Pattie Radio Show (WVLK-AM 590) during 2023 and DENIED that the libraries have porn in their book collection; and, DENIED that CRT and sex propaganda programs are active in FCPS.

But, Liggins has responded to various audience questions relating to the issues raised by CRT and transgender propaganda in an equivocal manner in the OPINION of JK.

In fact, Liggins so artfully evaded a caller’s question about sex education that the next caller repeated his question, noting that “I don’t feel like you answered that guy’s question.” He then appeared to walk-back his answer, making it more specific. Evasion of direct questions always makes intelligent audiences distrust the source.

School Board Tax Hike

The outrageous maximum tax hike years ago, which was supposed to be earmarked for installation of metal-detecting machines at all schools, has apparently only been installed at some high schools, leaving the most vulnerable elementary school aged children unprotected.

If so, this may be an alleged misappropriation of tax funds (or at least a failure to follow through with the alleged prospective declaration of the purpose of the tax increase) by the Fayette County School Board.


___ References:

* Dia Davidson is a News Reader for WLEX-TV Channel 18, Lexington, Ky., NBC affiliate.

Find more information by visiting the board’s search page at fcps.net/search.

Seven Tools to Combat ‘Wokeness’ Critical Race Theory, by Virginia Allen, The Daily Signal,  10/08/21






One thought on “FCPS Superintendent Liggins “Completely Supports” CRT (Critical Race Theory)

  1. dr liggins has told jack pattie’s show that the crazy woke stuff going on nationally is NOT present in fayette school curriculum, library, etc., and it’s hard to believe given what we see and experience in real life.

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