Hazard High School ‘Man Pageant’ Denigrates Male Students

Commentary | Hazard, Ky.

Hazard High School’s ‘Man Pageant’ is being defended by parents of some participants, but it denigrates not only the young men who participated, but all males.

School principal, Donald ‘Happy’ Mobelini allowed the event at a school sports rally in the gymnasium.

Mobelini, who is also Mayor, is no stranger to serious controversy. Since 2008, he was cleared of wrongdoing in two different prior incidents regarding students allegedly using alcohol in his presence.

In 2019, a plaintiff filed suit alleging Mobelini failed his role as chaperone on a trip to NYC during which she alleges rape by another student.

Mobelini’s Man Pageant made national news during the last week of October. Most citizens calling Lexington, Ky., radio talk shows expressed negative comments about the event.

One call to Kruser and Crew (WVLK-AM’s drive-time host) alleged that lap dances simulate sex acts; therefore, the event constituted porn allegedly making the adult participants liable for criminal prosecution.

Sondra Combs, Superintendent of Hazard Independent School District in Harlan County, claims appropriate discipline has been taken. Without her pushing for prosecution, it is highly unlikely that the incident will merit further official investigation.


Parent Defends Hazard High’s Man Pageant by Dave Urbanski, The Blaze News, 10/28/21.


#hazard, #kentucky, #high school, #man pageant, #males, #school, #principal, #donald happy mobelini, #sports rally, #alcohol, #lawsuit, #chaperone, #rape, #talk soup, #commentary, #journalkentucky, #kruser and crew, #wvlk-am, #lap, #dances simulate, #sex, #criminal, # prosecution, #sondra combs, #superintendent of hazard independent school district, #harlan county

One thought on “Hazard High School ‘Man Pageant’ Denigrates Male Students

  1. criminally sick ‘leadership’ where the inmates have taken control of the asylum SHAME ON YOU SCHOOL OFFICIALS when i was that age you would have been arrested for posting porn and criminal abuse of minors … remember the woman who got about $3 million for similar exploitations by school employees / teachers in Fayette County ??? Of course you don’t … REPENT !!!

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