Praying Cop Suing Preying Officials, Police & Louisville


Police Dept., Encouraged Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ Protests
While Preying on a Praying Cop

(Louisville, Ky.) – COMMENTARY

A civil rights lawsuit alleges that Louisville Police Chief Erika Shields, the Police Dept., Mayor Greg Fischer, and Louisville allegedly preyed upon Officer Matthew Schrenger in retaliation for his fervent prayers outside an abortion clinic while he was off duty and out-of-uniform with his father. The clinic is called the EMW Women’s Surgical Center.

Schrenger filed his Civil Rights lawsuit a month ago averring that when he got to work after praying off duty and not in uniform, on a public sidewalk, on Feb. 20, 2021, he was:

  • immediately suspended for over four months
  • stripped of his police powers
  • placed under investigation
  • locked out from his work computers,
  • relieved of his police vehicle; and,
  • removed from the patrol schedule.

According to a report from the Thomas Moore Society which is helping Schrenger with the lawsuit, during a close time period, “… other Louisville police officers, in uniform, and apparently while on-duty, publicly marched in an LGBT parade and participated in Black Lives Matter protests. … no suspension … no discipline whatsoever, and apparently engaged in these political activities at the encouragement of the Louisville Metro Police Department.”

The federal civil rights complaint alleges violations of the:

  • Free Exercise Clause and Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment,
  • Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as Amended, and
  • Kentucky Civil Rights Act.

Civil complaints give only the Plaintiff’s version of events. Generally, defendants will follow with an Answer, then the court will govern discovery, pretrial events, and set a trial date should no settlement be reached between the parties.

Tumultuous Times

In completely unrelated case, the Louisville Metro Police Dept., came under federal investigation after defensive shootout by police resulted in the unintentional death of Breonna Taylor.

The incident became a national outcry along with George Floyd’s murder by convicted cop, Derek Chauvin, in Minneapolis during the tumultuous year of 2020’s riot incidents by marxist operatives trying to dismantle the Government and American culture, all with the impunity mentioned in Officer Schrenger’s suit referencing BLM protests.

Some of the BLM protests were actually full-blown violent riots which were largely whitewashed by mainstream media (controlled by marxists).

Former Attorney General for the USA, Mr Barr, asked Congress, “when did it become okay to bomb a federal courthouse?”

Yet mainstream media never properly reported on such violence in Seattle, Washington, even describing the events as quote “mostly peaceful,” when it was literally mostly violent.

In fact, all the conservative pundits like Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Chris Plante, Bill Cunningham, and others, still regularly recite the litany of cities that suffered significant damage due to those riots.

—— References:

Louisville Police Officer Suing Police Chief, Police Dept., Mayor, and City – original report by Thomas Moore Society

Matthew Schrenger v. Erika Shields in her official capacity as Police Chief of the Louisville Metro Police Department, Louisville Metro Police Department, and Greg Fischer in his official capacity as the Mayor of the City of Louisville, City of Louisville, Ky; Case 3:21-mc-99999 Document 687 Filed 10/04/21; United States District Court, for the Western District of Kentucky, Louisville Division. Link from Thomas Moore Society article.


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