Three Arrests in Special Prosecutor Durham’s Investigation into Russia-Gate


Three Arrests in Durham Investigation as of 11/12/21

Defendants Related to Hillary Clinton’s Alleged Machiavellian Involvement in Fraudulent Steele Dossier

Special Prosecutor, John Durham, is investigating the fake allegations and rumors that were submitted to a FISA Court during the 2016 election cycle alleging that then candidate Donald Trump’s campaign was colluding with the Russian government.

As of November  2021, only three arrests (and one guilty plea) have come from Durham’s grand jury:

  • Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer who previously represented Hillary Clinton, for lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting.
  • Former FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, for falsifying a document used to obtain a surveillance warrant against Trump advisor, Carter Page. In August 2020, Clinesmith pleaded guilty to the charge.
  • Russian analyst, Igor Danchenko, architect of the fake “Steele dossier” was arrested on five counts of lying to the FBI.

An FBI attorney criminally altered a document critical to a spy request submitted to the FISA Court, a secret court which is actually unconstitutional because in American law no secret judicial proceeding is permitted.

According to Blaze News, “Durham was appointed as a special counsel last year by the Trump administration in order to continue investigation into the “Crossfire Hurricane” probe without interference from President Joe Biden.”

A federal grand jury charged “… that in 2017 Danchenko knowingly made false statements to federal investigators about conversations he had with ‘sub-sources’ while the FBI was interviewing him about his role in collecting information for ex-British spy Christopher Steele. Steele had been paid by Democrats to investigate links between the Trump campaign and Russia.”

The grand jury alleges that Danchenko misled FBI by denying a relationship with a public relations executive (a Democratic operative and supporter of Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton) when he had in fact anonymously accredited one allegation to that fake informant. Other scurrilous and false statements allege a sophisticated conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

According to the Blaze News, in 2019, Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, concluded that Steele’s Democrat-funded dossier was a “… ‘central and essential factor’ in FBI seeking FISA wiretap on then Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page.

“Horowitz also criticized FBI for making at least 17 ‘significant errors’ in the procedures that guided the FISA process.”

Danchenko’s arrest is the third criminal case charged in Durham’s probe.

President Trump on FBI Arrests for Fake Steele Dossier, The Blaze, 11/10/21

Former President Donald J. Trump joined Allie Beth Stuckey for Monday’s episode of “Relatable” on BlazeTV to discuss indictment of Igor Danchenko.

Danchenko allegedly lied to FBI about the fake Steele dossier which was used as the legal basis to get FISA Court spy warrants against then Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

According to the ‘Relatable’ episode, in Trump’s opinion, Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, and the Democrat Party in general knew.

“They concocted this scheme of Russia, Russia, Russia. … They knew it was a phony … and they went out there and demanded that Trump and his children be put in jail,” Trump explained. …

The Steele dossier was allegedly written by the Clinton campaign who worked through its principal author, former British spy, Christopher Steele.

Steele’s main source was Danchenko, a Russian native employee of the “… Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank whose former president, Strobe Talbott, is a college friend of Bill Clinton’s who worked in the Clinton State Department.”


Blaze Media / News
Durham investigation update: Top Steele dossier source arrested for lying to the FBI, by PHIL SHIVER, November 04, 2021. 

Trump Pissed Off Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 11/14/21


#president trump, #donald trump, #steele dossier, #steel, #fbi, #arrests, #strobe talbott, #hillary clinton, #bill clinton, #Igor Danchenko, #Adam Schiff, #Democrat Party, #john durham, #federal grand jury











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