Homeland Security in Human Trafficking, Money Laundering Crimes Says CM Gooden of Texas


CM Gooden Alleges Crimes Against Humanity
Alleges Marriott Hotels + Other Corporate Entities Involved

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s radio show 11/18/21, Congress Member (CM) Lance Gooden accused Homeland Security of conspiring with private corporations and nonprofit faith-based NGO NPs in a human trafficking and money laundering scheme.

The Roman Catholic Church refugee relocation program receives money from the federal government along with other NGO NPs like Methodist Refugee Services, to help embed illegal immigrants into communities all across Kentucky and other states clandestinely.

The for-profit corporations allegedly involved are:

  1. Wyndam Hotels and Resorts,
  2. Marriott International,
  3. Facebook,
  4. Tiktok,
  5. United Airlines,
  6. American Airlines.

Gooden avers that illegal immigrants are coached by Government agents in tricks to evade Homeland Security checkpoints at airports, giving them a fraudulent travel “letter” stating that they have permission to fly without ID and without passport.

Such letter constitutes a direct violation of U.S. federal law; is unauthorized by Congress; and, constitutes criminal felony fraud.

Various corporations are also participating in the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) scheme which allegedly pays money to NGO participants to clandestinely house and transport illegal immigrants, the very definition of human trafficking.

Specifically, Gooden alleges that at least one named Marriott Hotel operates such a human trafficking hub out of a hotel that claims to be closed for the Covid scamdemic, when in fact, it is open only for human smuggling. [*** Sean Hannity Radio Show]

JK gleans from other sources (over the years) that:

Each refugee immediately gets $20,000 dollars per adult, free SNAP food benefits, and subsidized (free) housing, pushing American citizens further back on a waiting list to make room for illegal immigrants who get all the present housing openings as well as housing specially reserved for illegals.

Rogue Biden’s Administration has agreed, through Rogue AG Merrick Garland, to grant $450,000 to each family separated at the border as punitive damages against the USA taxpayers who are accused of separating families.

Under Rogue Biden’s plan, each illegal immigrant family could be awarded more than $1 million dollars for illegally entering the USA. But, if an American citizen abandons their child anywhere, they face criminal charges, loss of income; and, permanent separation from their children.


* CM Lance Gooden’s Government Press Release page. https://gooden.house.gov/border-security-immigration

** HUMAN SMUGGLING ALLEGATIONS Press Release from Congress Member Gooden


*** Sean Hannity Radio Show, 11/18/21, last hour. https://hannity.com/podcasts/

FULL TEXT OF PRESS RELEASE, appear BELOW – ** Congress Member Gooden:


Gooden Calls for Transparency from Corporations and Government Agencies Complicit in Human Smuggling

November 17, 2021


Gooden Calls for Transparency from Corporations and Government Agencies Complicit in Human Smuggling

November 17, 2021

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Congressman Lance Gooden (R-Texas) sent letters to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), key Big Tech Companies, U.S. hotel chains, and United Airlines to demand answers on their role in fueling the ongoing migrant crisis in the United States.

During his recent trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, Rep. Gooden observed troubling operations that corroborated information his office received from an unnamed whistleblower. It is becoming increasingly apparent based off those documents and from his recent trip that U.S. corporations and government agencies are working in tandem with non-profit organizations to facilitate that mass relocation of migrants into the interior of the United States.

Most disturbingly, Rep. Gooden’s office has received proof that the Transportation Security Administration is allowing undocumented migrants to board U.S. commercial airlines without proper identification.

Rep. Lance Gooden said, “Allowing these migrants, many of whom are unknown to U.S. law enforcement agencies, to board commercial aircraft presents one of the greatest threats to U.S. national security since September 11, 2001. The safety of our communities is at risk because President Biden and Vice President Harris refuse to acknowledge or address the ongoing crisis at our southern border.” He continued, “I am greatly concerned by the lack of proper vetting and the role U.S. corporations and agencies are playing in fueling this crisis.”


You can read the full letter to the Transportation Security Administration here.

You can read the full letter to Wyndam Hotels and Resorts and Marriott International here and here.

You can read the full letter to Facebook and Tiktok here and here.

You can read the full letter to United Airlines and American Airlines here and here.

Rep. Gooden’s office has set up an anonymous tip line for anyone with information on the situation. The link to that can be found here.

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