NWS Upgrades Mayfield, Dawson Springs Tornadoes to EF-4

On the day Rogue Joe Biden visited Dawson Springs and Mayfield, Ky., for disaster photo-opportunities, the NWS announced upgrading the fiasco from EF-3 (140 mph wind) to EF-4 (190 mph wind).

Air Force One landed at Fort Campbell, straddling the Kentucky-Tennessee border between Hopkinsville, Ky., and Clarksville, Tn., and the only airport in Western Kentucky capable of handling a commercial size jet.

Rogue Biden’s Executive Order declaring emergency disaster relief also upgraded Kentucky’s cleanup from 75% coverage of costs to 100% coverage of costs.

For the latest information on tornado assessments, please visit the National Weather Service (NWS) data page. Or, copy and paste the following link: https://www.weather.gov/lmk/December112021Tornadoes

Apparently, the NWS intends to upgrade the tornado that struck Mayfield and Dawson Springs to EF-4, 190 mph wind, that is Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale 4.


Biden and Beshear’s Bribery Efforts

Rogue Biden’s augmentation of disaster debris removal costs from 75% to 100% is appreciated; but, together with Gov. Andy Beshear’s offer to use Covid relief funds as a bonus for Government designated “frontline workers” smacks of outright bribery of RED-STATE electorate (voters) months before midterm elections.

Obvious to many is the mental incompetence of Rogue Biden, who we hope and pray will take steps to recover his mind from the black hole he is lost in.

Absent from the mainstream media are any stories regarding the facts that:

Biden allegedly received financial benefits from Russia and China, some allegedly through his son, Hunter.

Biden’s obstruction of the energy enterprises in the USA directly benefitted Russia, China, and Arabian states, resulting in doubling the cost of gas in the USA, which profits our enemies who own Rogue Biden’s soul.

Biden’s energy policies are increasing the cost to heat homes and cook food during what he still refers to as the Omicron Covid crisis.

The double-increase in costs to run gas vehicles means higher delivery costs and higher cost of goods and services across the board.

The resulting inflation has gone beyond estimated 14%; and, the Federal Reserve flooding the economy with ‘fake’ dollars borrowed by the Democrat-passed laws, have created instability noticed in the stock market decreasing value, meaning people’s retirement investments are unstable thanks to failing Democrat policies.

Related Story:

Five Tornadoes Bombed Western Kentucky. x.x.

Historical Kentucky Tornadoes x.

What's Your Gutsy Feeling on this?