5 Months Jail for Smollett: Wanna Be Biggett is a Bigot Says Judge


Wanna Be ‘Biggett,’ is Bigot

Jail, Fine, Restitution, Probation
“NOT His Mother’s Son” Because Convicted

Chicago, Illinois (source: COURTTV *)

Judge James Linn sentenced Smollett to 150 days in Cook County jail followed by 30 months of probation and restitution of $120,106 for city of Chicago plus $25,000 fine. He must also give DNA samples per statute.

Smollett will probably serve half that time if he does not commit suicide to martyr himself, as he hinted he will in his rant against the judge.

Smollett took scabs off healing racial wounds of the nation and did it for the attention because he was making $2 million / year so it was not for money.

Smollett Harmed Other Gays and Blacks

Prosecutors said Smollett’s fraud seriously harmed other gays and harms who suffer actual criminal attacks instead of fake ones like Smollett staged.

Smollett was convicted of a hate crime hoax.

Will Smollett Do Hunger Strikes or Kill Himself in Jail? 

Smollett, who the judge characterized as a narcissist and perjurer, defiantly retorted against the court saying he did not do this, he is innocent, and he is “not suicidal … whatever happens to me [in jail] I am NOT suicidal.”

Jussie’s angry retort makes me think he intends to commit suicide in jail to vindicate and martyr himself, saying ‘… whatever happens to me I am NOT suicidal.”

To summarize, the Court sees Jussie as an arrogant, narcissistic, hypocrite and perjurer.

Laughable Response from Family

Joe Joe Smollett, Jussie’s older brother, ranted against the judge accusing him of denigrating Jussie; his sister also proclaimed Jussie’s innocence, despite known facts of record proving otherwise.

Proclaiming that “I am not my mother’s son” if he committed this crime, the jury convicted Jussie Smollett; so, by his own standard he is NOT HIS MOTHER’S SON. Which itself is a lie because LIAR.

Jocky Smollett ranted against the system and the sentence of Jussie; and, his 92-year old grandmother accused the system of another rail-roading of a black boy, demanding the journalists do more investigation.

Defense Counsel’s Passionate Argument was Lame

Defense counsel pleaded for the Court’s mercy, stating he should not punish Smollett harshly “for a misdemeanor-like felony,” and recalling former President Obama’s interest in bringing the races into conflict.

The same assistant prosecutor highlighted alleged systemic injustices in the Chicago sentencing results, ALL BUILT AND MAINTAINED BY DEMOCRATS!

Smollett, a two-bit nobody, falsely told police that two men placed a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, and proclaimed “this is MAGA territory,” in downtown Chicago near his posh apartment in the wee hours of the morning of Jan. 22, 2019 after earlier getting a threatening letter on Jan 2, 2019, apparently at the Empire studio.

Pundit, Chris Plante, recalled that when he saw the report he knew it was false: downtown posher Chicago, wee hours, perpetrators carrying bleach and hangman’s noose? Laughable.

Ditto that, Chris Plante! Those two men were Nigerian immigrant brothers who testified against Smollett.

The Judge ruled that the Nigerians were not involved in Smollett’s crime of falsely reporting an incident to police; and, they were not prosecuted.

Hate Crime Hoax was Clear as “PURE PERJURY”

Vinnie Politan, CourtTV, called this one of the most bizarre cases he’s ever seen.

The Judge recapped that Smollett was unrepentant and committed “pure perjury” on the witness stand.

Jussie Smollett’s hoax hate-crime was all an orchestrated FAKE according to the jury, except acquitting him on the sixth count.

Smollett’s Injury to the Nation

Smollett’s fraud was calculated to inflame a nation already suffering from the forgiven 1960s racial strife; but, restored by former President Obama and his acolytes.

Smollett’s play is part of the global plot to divide Americans into disparate groups and make them hate each other to instill political favoritism for Democrat candidates like Obama who rekindled the racial strife of the 1960s.

Smollett still had the noose, made of clothes-line rope, around his neck when the police arrived. Clothes-line rope would not able to hold a man of his weight.

Smollett’s fraudulent report cost the city of Chicago about $130,106.00 (one-hundred thirty-thousand, one-hundred and six dollars).

Friends Extoll Smollett’s Virtues

Mr. Rick Daniels, music producer on Empire, testified that Smollett worked with 403 musicians who were involved in Empire, which was a big hit in the black community.

‘His time, talent, energy, charisma, generous, thoughtful kind, … donated large sums of money … with loving heart, etc., 593 scripted TV shows last year, Empire was in the 3% of shows that got to five years. Season two had 29 million viewers, huge in the community at large. He was the break-out music star of the show.

Another witness said Smollett made minority children “feel special,” but his fraud had just the opposite effect on other races, namely Caucasian; and, this is the definition of “bigot.”

Many white witnesses also lauded the good-will of Smollett, despite his obvious hatred of an entire race and people of conservative provenance who love America.

Smollett’s Prior Criminal Record

Despite prior minor criminal record of using his brother’s identification instead of his own, Smollett’s brother testified to help Jussie stay out of jail.

Prosecutor told Court that Smollett lied to police “over and over and over again,” denigrating true hate crimes and marginalizing true victims.” Such victims are usually minorities who are already reluctant to report the crimes against them.

Special Prosecutor Trashed Kim Fox

Kim Fox, first prosecutor to whom the Smollett case came, let him go ‘scott free’ by agreeing to forfeit his $10,000 bail despite $130,000 costs to Chicago.

There are allegations that Fox’s action was arranged by Obama acolytes.

Special Prosecutor Worked for Free

The state-appointed special prosecutor did not charge Illinois nor Chicago for his firm’s work on the Smollett fraudulent hate-crime case.

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* Commentary by Editor based on CourtTV coverage. This does not intend to imply nor express any relationship between JK and CourtTv. Editor watched some CourtTv coverage and based this opinion on that.




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