Levin Demands Mitch McConnell’s Ouster as Republican Leader


Replace McConnell as Republican Leader


Conservative pundit, Mark Levin (WVLK-am 590) demands that Republicans replace Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because he is a RINO (Republican in Name Only).

Levin alleges, with many accurate points of fact, that McConnell works against the mom and pop grass roots conservatives who are the backbone of the Republican Party by orchestrating the following:

1. Directs RNC campaign money towards RINO candidates instead of the true Republican conservative candidates picked by Levin.

2. Leads RINOs to help left-wing Democrat causes like installing Chief Justice John Roberts and other lefties hiding in elephant suits. Then McConnell himself pulls out at the last minute to vote the way his Kentucky constituents want – a high stakes bait and switch operation.

Peter Schweitzer’s book, Secret Empires, contains factual allegations sufficient enough to open a criminal investigation should on McConnell who also allegedly obstructed the DOJ from following up on the Investigator General (IG)’s criminal referral of Elaine Chao’s use of her Transportation Cabinet employees to do Chao’s personal business.

Former Kentucky official, Richie Farmer, served federal prison time for the same type crime that Elaine Chao is accused of; yet, she has been protected from a referred request for criminal investigation.

Chao is McConnell’s “wife” and daughter of a powerful multimillionaire Chinese shipping magnate who had a clear conflict of interest during her term as Transportation Secretary under President Trump.

McConnell complained that he is subject to the same discrimination that Asian Americans are, which is a damnable lie against the goodwill of his constituents.

Imagine McConnell’s hypocrisy! The guy with the third biggest white privilege card (second only to Rogue Biden and Chuckie Schumer) complaining that he suffers from discrimination like a minority!

Related stories about Mitch McConnell:

China page


Evil Manchurian Candidate McConnell and ChiCom ‘Wife’ – RED CHINESE COMMUNIST OPERATIVES – ENEMIES WITHIN

3/04/21 Watchdog IG Call for Criminal Investigation of Elaine Chao, Sen. Mitch McConnell’s ‘Wife’ or copy & paste https://journalkentucky.com/2021/03/04/watchdog-ig-call-for-criminal-investigation-of-elaine-chao-sen-mitch-mcconnells-wife/

3/04/21 Mark Levin Radio Show, third hour: Audio Rewind | The Mark Levin Show or copy & paste https://www.marklevinshow.com/audio-rewind/



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