Mark Levin Calls Mitch McConnell a “Fool”

Supports NEA / AFT Instead of Children

Supports Sen. Murkowski‘s Reelection
Abusing Super Pac Funds for RINOs

4/18/22 6:20 p.m. – 6:40 p.m., E.D.S.T.


Railing against Kentucky’s Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, Mitch McConnell, conservative constitutional scholar, attorney, and talk show host Mark Levin listed more reasons why he loathes the scoundrel who he called a “fool,” despite New Testament warning to call nobody a ‘fool.’

Levin is Jewish, and the admonishment came from our Jewish Messiah who was a recognized Rabbi who taught in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

According to Levin, McConnell allegedly directs RNC and Super PAC money to support National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union candidates instead of candidates who will fight for our children and traditional American values.

The NEA and AFT allegedly use schoolrooms to groom minors to become transgender or homosexual and indoctrinate them via so-called sex-education starting with kindergarten.

Teacher unions have also been supporting dissemination of Nicole Hannah Smith’s “1619” project which experts describe as a fraudulent hypothesis that America was founded as a white-privileged slave colony.

The 1619 project teaches hatred of whites (the global minority population) due to alleged suppression of blacks (the global majority).

Whites are, and have always been, the global MINORITY; today, with only about 1.2 billion whites compared to 6.8 to 7.8 billion nonwhites as the world’s population approaches 9 billion.

The majority of nations are governed by NONWHITES and always have been.

Further, black tribal dictators sold their own brethren into slavery often with a complicit Roman Catholic priest blessing them during the very process of boarding slave ships.

And, except for the global sex-slavery market, the only slave-labor still openly extant is in non-white nations in Africa, Arabian states, Carribbean, and Indonesian areas.

Many conservative pundits chastise black pro sports stars in the NBA and NFL who help sell sports clothing and shoes manufactured with essentially what is equivalent to modern slave labor in China and Indonesia.

There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.

McConnell supports Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s re-election in Alaska despite the Alaskan Republican Party censoring her for many votes that favored the radical left Democrats epitomized by CM AOC (D-NY).

McConnell allegedly directs RNC and super PAC monies to favor RINO candidates (Republican in Name Only) like Murkowski; and, opposing true conservatives that Mark Levin picks.

Kentuckians are not likely to retire McConnell because the consensus is that he helps provide the state with more federal dollars inbound than we pay in taxes to Washington.

Federal dollars go towards schools, colleges, roads, housing, food-stamps; and, many other federally funded programs.

However, collegiate sports is mostly self-sufficient and does NOT primarily rely upon federal money, if any.

While Levin has thousands of loyal listeners in Kentucky, his program is not carried by very many publicly licensed radio stations here but remains wildly popular.

Internet streaming, books, and website access may account for Levin’s successful proselytization.

But, McConnell is not likely to leave the Kentucky U.S. Senate seat any way except by voluntary retirement.

And hopefully he and his likewise crooked Communist wife will return to China where they fit in well with his Communist father-in-law and their ruling Communist regime.


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