D’Souza Film Proves Massive 2020 Election Fraud Against Trump


Iconoclastic Filmmaker

Dinesh D’Souza Does it Again
EXPLOSIVE Mark Levin Radio Show Interview


Today, in the third hour of his show, conservative constitutional scholar, attorney, and talk show host, Mark Levin, had an explosive interview with filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza about his new documentary called “2000mules.” See 2000mules.com

Using bulk purchased cell phone data, D’Souza documents massive migration of “mules” towards ballot drop-boxes in the middle of the night in states whose allegedly corrupt jurists (judges) refused to hear cases alleging ballot fraud against former President Trump.

D’Souza also used open records requests to obtain official state video surveillance of many of those ballot drop-boxes, confirming the cell phone data proving “thousands of ballots” stuffed by villains he calls ‘mules’ because they were allegedly paid by well-known wealthy people, similar to drug smugglers who are called ‘mules.’

The mules paused their ballot-stuffing crime long enough to take selfies showing their activity because that’s how the mules prove they accomplished the crime allegedly for operatives acting on behalf of the Democrat Party.

The Republican official in Georgia who denied that there was such massive fraud will allegedly reopen an investigation and issue subpoenas according to D’Souza.

Mark Levin, D’Souza, and their fans are more than 55 million freedom-loving American citizens who are appalled at the saturation of alleged CORRUPTION in the state and federal judiciary which refused to even hear cases brought to challenge the ballot-stuffing.

Chief ‘Justice’ Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court, was quoted as yelling out that he would not take a case that could result in riots across America. Those reporting Roberts’ retort were allegedly people waiting outside the Court’s Chamber who heard Roberts’ exclaiming his traitorous declaration (which constitutes an impeachable crime against his oath of office).


Mark Levin Radio Show on 4/28/2022 third hour; get the podcast.




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