Orwell Gone Wild: Are Democrats Planning Nuclear Emergency for Fall Elections?

New York City Airing Nuclear Warning

Instructs Residents to Minimize Exposure

to Nuclear Fallout

7/12/2022 – COMMENTARY with News

In June, Russia’s Ambassador threatened Ukraine with nuclear weapons. Due to prevailing winds and weather, nuclear fallout may be carried beyond the intended target.

However, Rogue Biden’s support of Ukraine with billions of USA taxpayer dollars with NO ACCOUNTABILITY, means Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, may have a beef against the USA; in fact, he threatened Rogue Biden / USA to stay out of the conflict.

New York City is airing a Public Service Announcement (PSA) instructing residents how to minimize nuclear fallout according to conservative pundit, Glen Beck.

Beck aired the NYC nuclear PSA 7/12/22 on his avante guarde talk show format.

Beck is the only pundit (besides Clyde Lewis) who is even talking about the “Great Reset” which is a global conspiracy by the Billionaire Elite to take down the USA and reset the global economy to a new currency, economy, and social structure.

The entire plot is credible, given the corrupt USA DOJ which installed Rogue Biden together with woke Democrat leaders whose sole focus is to “fundamentally change the USA” according to Barrack Obama.

Rogue Biden’s Health Care Emergency

A nuclear emergency is not far-fetched, given that the Covid Wuhan virus and ensuing vaccine did not demise the billions of people targeted by Fauci and his American and Chinese co-conspirators.

Especially in the light of Rogue Biden’s ‘nuclear reaction’ to SCOTUS’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights, returning to the individual states the decision on whether to make abortion legal in their respective jurisdictions.

Of course, in Kentucky, the Republican controlled legislature had a ‘trigger’ provision in the abortion regulations that terminated all abortions in the event that SCOTUS aborted Roe v. Wade.

Murder Billions of People Globally

The alleged goal of the Billionaire Elite is to murder all but about 500,000 (five-hundred-thousand) of the estimated over eight billion people on earth according to Clyde Lewis, an “out-there” fringe psyche talk show host who is quite engaging with facts, but not always transparent with sources.

Climate Change Fraud

The lefties’ climate change fraud is taking too long to get credibility despite that it has been preached since the 1960s or so. Each decade the fraudsters claim in ten years humans will perish from the earth, that beaches are being eroded, all FALSE PREDICTIONS that have failed the test of time.

No ordinary beach has been nor will be eroded. Former President Obama bought a multi-million-dollar beach front property. Do you think he’s worried the ocean will swallow up his investment or his woke family while they sleep? Duh!

Covid Hoax Backfired

The Wuhan red death virus, dubbed “covid pandemic” by woke fake media did not effect the catastrophic outcome desired by fascists like Dr. Anthony Fauci (head of CDC) nor Rogue Biden’s puppet masters.

Many states, like Kentucky, have enacted laws restricting gubernatorial power to establish emergency orders.

It follows that Democrat fascists have another plot to obstruct the fall elections – nuclear emergency.

This is not implausible because Rogue Biden is beholden to the Ukrainians because he extorted a favor from them during Obama’s terms in office.

Biden told the story of his successful extortion of Ukraine to remove the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter Biden, to the Council on Foreign Relations which has been played on air many times by all the conservative pundits (Levin, Chris Plante, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham, Clyde Lewis, the late Limbaugh, etc.).

Biden threatened to withhold one-billion in USA aid to Ukraine if the Government did NOT fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden’s business deals.

What part of CORRUPT do you not understand ?




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