‘Drop Dead’ Says Canadian Government MAID Program

Coming Soon to USA?

Assisted Suicide
Replaces Medical Care

12/14/22 Wed., Glen Beck Radio Show: 10 – 10:30 pm EST

Glen Beck’s guest explained details about Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID):

Patients requesting ordinary medical care, like knee surgery, dental procedures, depression, etc., may have wait times exceeding six months before treatment.

Canadian Government therefore suggests they “drop dead,” allowing such people the option of medically assisted suicide if their pain exceeds what they believe they can endure.

The procedure is available the same day of the request, but not the medical care they need.

Anyone, even children, may request MAID to be administered on the same day. Apparently children must have parental concurrence.

Any “medical” condition which a patient cannot wait six months or more to be treated is eligible for MAID intervention to end ones life.

A tooth ache, knee surgery, fleeting suicidal depression, all qualify.

Their suicide request can be done the same day of the request, faster than virtually any other major medical procedure in Canada.

About 10,000 (ten-thousand) people were exterminated by MAID requests last year, including a 92-year old granny who refused to endure further Covid lockdown in her nursing home.

The Government approves medical staff to “gently suggest” dropping dead to those who complain vociferously.

AND THEY PUT THEIR NEEDLE WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. Your request need not even be in writing, an oral request will suffice.

Glen Beck says it won’t be long before this is offered here.

JK Commentary:

In current USA law, this could present prosecutorial conflicts if those involved in the murder did not obtain written consent how do we know that the medical personnel did not commit murder? We do have many medical personnel including both physicians, nurses, and orderlies, in prison for murdering patients, some of them spouses.

Covid lockdowns were a dismal failure globally; and, were calculated to exterminate a massive portion of the population on behalf of the global elite oligarchy which wants to depopulate the planet from 8 + billion current population down to about 500,000 (five-hundred thousand) people.

Savvy people know that the technologically sustained world we know as modern will not continue to exist with only 500k people.

The plumbing, electrical, food supply, technological, water purification systems, etc., require far more people than that just to maintain current operations GLOBALLY.

The “climate change” fraud is calculated to brainwash younger generations into committing this type of societal suicide.


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