Coup d’état by Social Media: Corrupt FBI Paid $3.4 Million to Twitter to Suppress Hunter Biden Scandal

Coup d’état by Social Media

FBI Operated as a RICO “Criminal Syndicate”

Ky. Rep. Comer Vows to DISMANTLE FBI
FBI is “Biden’s Stasi” Says Levin


12/22/2022 FBI’s “rig job that got Joe Biden elected” President – “Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show H2 – Dec 22 2022” – listen to show intro 0 minutes et. seq., copy & paste the following link but add “https://www” to the front end:  …

FBI rig job to put Joe Biden in the White House,” supra, at 13 minutes, et. seq., “Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show H2 – Dec 22 2022” –

12/21/2022 This is the type of behavior you’d expect in a third-world dictatorship. – H.K. Dhillon, J.D.*

12/20/2022 Tues. UPDATE Reaffirms Criminal Misconduct by FBI – Ben Ferguson Podcast


After criminally tampering with the 2016 election in an effort to obstruct the will of WE THE PEOPLE to elect Donald J. Trump as President, the FBI again criminally tampered with the 2020 election process according to today’s revelations by Elon Musk’s Twitter (and conservative pundits) in violation of the Free Speech clause of the First Amendment in violation of the rights of all Americans to enjoy a free press.

“… The DOJ today appears to be increasingly motivated by partisanship,” which has permanently destroyed its credibility, making USA look worse than a banana republic.

The FBI’s Orwellian “Trust and Safety Team” had about 80 FBI agents directly involved in a “ministry of propaganda” whose job is to censor free speech, according to Rep. James Comer, (R, KY) who vowed to “dismantle” the FBI.**

The FBI paid Twitter $3.4 million to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal according to substitute for Mark Levin Radio Show***, Larry O’Connor (WMAL Radio, Washington, D.C.) who rehashed the Twitter files revelations about how the FBI tampered with the 2020 Election in a coup d’etat via social media.

What FBI did is a criminal violation of Civil Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. (42 USC Sec. 241) However, whether the FBI’s payment of $3.4 million to Twitter violates the reimbursement provision of law is to be decided. That reimbursement provision allows the Government to pay for the cost of private entities (like Twitter) involved in providing legitimate subpoena of information pre-approved by a judge. No evidence that any judge preapproved such alleged misconduct has been published as far as we know.

However, it is now clear that the FBI engaged in use of FBI offices as a “criminal syndicate” or “racketeering enterprise” in violation of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act, 18 USC Sec 1960 et seq.) for the purpose of violating the First Amendment Rights of the American Electorate (WE THE PEOPLE). Thus, the FBI has for decades been operating as a racketeer enterprise.

FBI has been doing so with the apparent blessing of the corrupt FISA Court and other US Courts operating in tandem with its corrupt investigative machinery according to “Men in Black” by Mark Levin, if you can read between the lines in consideration of what we now know to be more factual evidence.

“Indeed, there existed “an organized effort by representatives of the intelligence community” aimed at “senior executives at news and social media companies” to discredit “leaked information about Hunter Biden before and after it was published,” according to independent journalist Michael Shellenberger.

“The FBI also paid Twitter more than $3.4 million for their “legal process response,” apparently referencing the time Twitter executives spent coordinating with the agency.

“FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan sent ten documents to former Twitter Head of Site Integrity Yoel Roth on the evening of October 13, hours before the New York Post article would be released. Chan urged Roth that the documents were “not spam” and asked him to “confirm receipt.” Two minutes later, Roth replied: “Received and downloaded – thanks!” ****

The chumps in charge of social media, including but not limited to Facebook’s owner Mark Zuckerberg, outlets like Twitter before Musk acquired it; and, probably other social media outlets were “groomed” by FBI to shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story when it emerged from legitimate true news outlets like New York Post.

COMMENTARY: FBI Tampered in 2016 Elections

The FBI used falsified affidavits to obtain FISA Court spy warrants against the Trump campaign knowingly based on fictitious Steele dossier funded by opposition candidate, Democrat Hitlary Clinton’s campaign.

The victim of the spy operation was not just Donald J. Trump, but all his supporters and all American citizens in violation of the RICO Statute. 18 USC Sec 1960 et. seq.

COMMENTARY: Pelosi, Schiff, and Other Democrats’ Racketeer Enterprise

Each member of the House January Six Committee conspired to use their respective offices for the purpose of violating the civil rights of Donald J. Trump, each American citizen, etc., to obstruct the legitimate operation of the Trump Administration, and the equitable operation of constitutional law by transmitting by federal wire, mail, or office, falsified or deliberately incomplete one-sided statements for the purpose of interfering with Trump’s civil rights and those of his supporters. 18 USC Sec 1960 et. seq. 

___ ENDNOTES: All endnotes are also commentary.

* The Politicization of the Department of Justice by Harmeet K. Dhillon (Dhillon Law Group, Inc.), Imprimis, August 2022, Vol. 51, ISSUE 8.

** Commentary: Ky. Rep. James Comer is an acolyte of U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell the RINO Leader; and, to that extent Comer is viewed as a specious character who failed to respond to Mark Levin Radio Show’s request to come on the show to talk about these alleged constitutional violations by FBI, etc. Yet, Comer has appeared on numerous “fake news” outlets stirring up much fanfare about his own power and plans in his role as Chair of Oversight Committee with a slim Republican majority. Levin sounded indignant that Comer has failed to reply to Levin’s producer’s invitation to come on the Mark Levin Radio Show. That makes it appear as though Comer’s presumed mentor, McConnell, was the reason for Comer’s failure to reply to Levin and his estimated 55 million national podcast listeners.

Commentary NOTE: Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is also a McConnell acolyte who is viewed quite circumspectly by sage editor because Mark Levin previously urged the electorate to reject any Republican who will NOT renounce McConnell’s RINO positions and tactics. Cameron announced months ago that he will try to get the Republican nomination for Governor in a crowded primary field.

Commentary on Sen. McConnell’s Tactics

According to Mark Levin Radio Show McConnell lines up the RINOs to vote in sync with the Democrats. Sometimes he pulls a ‘bait & switch’ routine after helping the Democrats. Then McConnell switches his support to vote against legislation he helped orchestrate to pass. That sanitizes McConnell so he can still win elections in Kentucky.

McConnell’s dastardly role in helping Democrats to pass the infamous omnibus bill followed that notorious ‘bait & switch’ pattern; but, this time McConnell actually voted FOR the omnibus bill. The omnibus bill (estimated cost $1.7 trillion) contains much pork for foreign nations, subversive programs, Democrat cronies, and who knows what else? The bill is over 4,000 pages and nobody read what is in it, the electorate had no opportunity to comment nor lobby our positions before the vote was taken. THAT IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, that is top-down dictatorial fiat orchestrated by McConnell and Schumer.

McConnell also spends Republican Leadership funds to finance RINO candidates while he withholds money from true conservatives. This is how he continues getting elected as Speaker for Republicans, as many fear lack of proper funding to run an effective campaign.

The Investigator General’s (IG) office referred McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao (ex-Secretary Transportation Cabinet in Trump’s Administration) for criminal investigation, to no avail. Peter Schweitzer’s book “Secret Empires” is a scathing indictment of McConnell.

*** Mark Levin Radio Show, Larry O’Connor substituting, 12/19/2022. NOTE: Mark Levin himself was the first pundit to call for politicians to “dismantle” the FBI earlier in 2022. And, before leaving for the holidays Mr. Levin repeated that the bureau has become completely corrupted, diminishing its credibility. Levin calls FBI “Biden’s Stasi.” Levin, Sean Hannity, Chris Plante, Bill Cunningham, Ben Ferguson, and other conservative pundits refer to the President’s people as “The Biden Crime Family,” as political satire regarding the Biden’s alleged influence peddling. The focus of this article is not on Rogue Biden.



COMMENTARY: Sen. Mitch McConnell is RedChiCom EVIL ENEMY of Patriots and Kentuckians

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