Picaresque FBI & DOI Pervert the Course of Public Justice

FBI ‘Ran’ Twitter Says Ben Ferguson

Twitter Files Stunning Indictment of ROGUES

Evidence Withheld or Manufactured by Corrupt FBI & DOI

UPDATE on 6/09/2023: Robert Philip Hanssen was the most corrupt FBI double-agent who passed 6k documents and 26 diskettes of data to his Russian handlers. Hanssen was paid $1.4 million in cash and jewelry like Rolex watches and diamonds. He died in federal prison Monday 6/05/23 at age 79. Hanssen pled guilty to espionage in 2001 and was transferred to a maximum-security prison in 2002 to serve a life sentence.

ORIGINAL POST: 12/21/22 Tues. (date written) [delayed publication date: 6/8/2023]

Who’s Watching the Watchers?

Recent ‘Twitter Files’ news show how totally corrupt the FBI acted.

Yet today, the FBI’s effort to defend the agency apparently admits further that it has done similarly for many companies in an alleged effort to “protect the American people.”

Really? You’ve done your Twitter operation many times at other private companies?

Rep. James Comer, are you writing this down? Who, what, when, where, how, why?

Just because FBI unwittingly admits to committing alleged crimes many times does not suddenly make such crimes legal to do.

Congress created the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and other departments and agencies that have become picaresque monsters.

Congress also capitulated its oversight role, permitting the creatures to tell the creator “you shall not ask me that, it is sacrosanct National Security.”

If Congress cannot be entrusted with such information, why should a rogue bureaucrat be so trusted?

Obviously, the creatures cannot be permitted to bully the creator Congress; the rogues cannot be trusted and must be held accountable.

Hopefully, criminal referrals from Republican committees will NOT fall on deaf ears at the corrupt DOJ.

Thus, special prosecutors must be named to criminally prosecute rogues in each bureaucracy especially the DOI, FBI, CIA, and other bureaus if such are found to be involved in the coup d’état by social media to install Rogue Biden or the other fraudulent pretexts to spy on candidate Trump, etc., 

Mark Levin is emphatic that Ky. Rep. James Comer must subpoena records relating to Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s and Sen. Mitch McConnell’s failure to accept Trump’s offer of 20,000 troops to protect the Capitol; and, why other officials did nothing to prepare for a threat predicted by their own intelligence.

Biden’s tax returns must be subpoenaed and released publicly. Much has been documented about the “Biden Crime Family‘s” alleged crimes of influence peddling; but, Biden is not the focus of this commentary documentary despite mentioning his high crimes and misdemeanors in passim.

Hard to Believe Rogue FBI

Picaresque FBI agents in central Kentucky have been convicted of crimes: murder reduced to manslaughter (former agent Mark Putnam).

In another separate case using FBI erroneous ballistic evidence (in Com. v. Shane Ragland case, involved a different FBI agent). Defendant Ragland’s conviction for murder was reversed on appeal based on erroneous ballistics. *

Defense lawyers and even former federal prosecutors like Sydney Powell complained of the heavy-handed threats and over-powering intimidation tactics of the federal Government.

Florida Rep. Mat Gaetz complained of similar FBI intimidations in an effort to take him down allegedly in retaliation for his politics.

In the case of Leonard Pellitier, FBI admitted to witness intimidation and withholding ballistic evidence. Project Innocence was involved in efforts to free Mr. Pellitier.

These are not isolated cases; and, according to Bill O’Reilly, one need only supply three examples to prove their point in a debate.

According to conservative pundit Chris Plante (Washington, D.C.) the FBI has a sordid legacy of corruption that did NOT begin with J. Edgar Hoover’s heavy-handed threats and acts tantamount to extortion. (Chris Plante Show, 2022)

This article is not about Hoover’s cross-dressing and other escapades, picaresque as they allegedly were.

TV Rehabilitated PICARESQUE Agency’s Image

After decades of a building a foul reputation from its inception, the bureau’s reputation was apparently rehabilitated to some degree of respectability by popular hit TV series like “The Untouchables” starring Robert Stack as agent Eliot Ness (ATF); and, Efraim Zimbalist Jr.’s role in “The F.B.I.” There were movies, like ‘The Untouchables’ starring Kevin Costner (1987).

In fact, the FBI “honored” Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., for his effort portraying what the FBI wants its historically tarnished image to be in the public eye. The Trump case alone negates all that phony TV fiction.

The FBI and Attorney-General (AG) Merrick Garland’s targeting of parents attending school board meetings as “terrorists” when protesting corrupt local officials is further proof of a ROGUE DOI ** and agency gone wild. The federal bureaucracy has no legal standing for such ‘Stasi’ intervention. DOI and FBI have again showed their true coat of wicked colors.

What defense attorneys, former prosecutors turned into defense attorneys, and civil rights leaders still view as a wickedly corrupt federal bureaucracy called the DOJ and FBI, the agencies continue to promote the story that “it’s all good.” Well, we know where that phrase originated.

But recent revelations about the corrupt beleaguered FBI / DOI’s fait accompli coup d’état to install Rogue Biden prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Ky. Rep. James Comer is sniffing down the right alley when he observed the FBI should be “dismantled.” AG Merrick Garland and DOI must also be held accountable.

Mark Levin Radio Show suggested likewise months earlier in 2022. Last week, Levin indicated he has no trust whatsoever in the integrity of the FBI. Earlier this year he predicted AG Merrick Garland will be the first Attorney General impeached and removed from office. That’s doubtful give the impotence of so-called Republicans in each compartment of the ‘bicameral’ Congress. (emphasis on prefix ‘bi’). 0

NEITHER DOES ANY OTHER AMERICAN WITH ONE BRAIN CELL WORKING. How many cases need to be reversed and dismissed with prejudice due to FBI misconduct that has either not been discovered nor not admitted to?

The FBI was apparently created by Pres. Theodore Roosevelt’s Administration in response to his distrust of the Secret Service which ordinarily protects the President and polices legitimacy of currency in circulation against counterfeit.

A running word-play among some is that the DOJ is the Department of Just-Us. Mark Levin dubbed the DOJ the DOi** long ago. Levin’s first book, “Men in Black,” gives many examples of why.

Tidbits to Think About – For Those Who Are Literacy-Challenged

Picaresque – of or relating to rogues or rascals,” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/picaresque. Accessed 21 Dec. 2022.

“… ballistics evidence leaves room for error, and its reliability is not without question.” Ballistic Evidence: Forensic Science or Junk Science? by Dustin Phillips 5/12/2016, https://www.oklahoma-criminal-defense.com/media/ballistic-evidence-forensic-science-or-junk-science

“Jay A. Siegel is a member of the NAS [National Academy of Science]. … Chairman Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and Director of the Forensic and Investigative Sciences Program. … a real “forensic” expert … saying the FBI and law enforcement agencies are not scientists. “They don’t know what validation is,” he said. “They don’t know what it means to validate a test.” More Evidence of Bad Evidence, by John Floyd


* Late Commonwealth’s Attorney for Fayette County (Ray Larson) refused to retry Ragland due to a dubious agreement he made with Ragland’s ex-girlfriend who turned him in. A District Attorney is NEVER in a position to promise ANY witness that they will NEVER be required to appear in court a second time on ANY matter unless a judge dismisses that case “WITH PREJUDICE.” Reversal of Ragland’s conviction allowed re-prosecution but Ray Larson failed his absolute oath and duty to the citizens of the Commonwealth.

** DOI Department of InJustice not DOJ – the two are interchangeable as twins, duh. The bureucracy is not in the Constitution and it has become the seat of erosion of our Constitutional rights. Judges at all levels (federal, state, local) are “groomed” to DENY you your day in court and Civil Rights using a number of tactics including rewriting the facts as the court sees them. The Court’s summary and rewrite of the facts constitute an Orwellian counterfactual account of the true facts – becoming a total fiction calculated to obstruct justice and pervert the course of public justice.

Sources of info on Robert Hanssen include: NPR (6/09/23) and USA Today (6/05/23); facts checked via Bing AI.


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