Mitch McConnell is a JACKASS

Omnibus Spending Spree

Makes it Official

Red ChiCom Senator is a JACKASS Too!

1/09/2023 Edition of COMMENTARY COMICS – see 1/12/2023 UPDATE below cartoon

1/12/2023 Mark Levin said the Republicans in the Senate are mostly a problem “with very few exceptions.”

McConnell’s Omnibus Spending Spree forbids using any of the money to secure the USA borders while earmarking much of it for “support and living expenses” of illegal migrants who are unlawfully ushered across the border and into the interior of the USA by Rogue Biden’s minions contrary to the recent SCOTUS Order reinstating the Trump doctrine of ‘remain in Mexico.’

JK: Those ones are obviously all jackasses along with their illustrious ‘leader.’



One thought on “Mitch McConnell is a JACKASS

  1. Peter Schweitzer’s book SECRET EMPIRES makes it clear that Beijing Mitch is a chimera mix of JACKASS, RAT, and SEWER WEASEL. When will we hicks and hillbillies realize Mitch does not live here nor mingle with Kentuckians? BIG DOPES !!!

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