CM Andy Barr’s Lips are Moving

Reneges on Term Limit Promise

“My Thinking Has Changed”

Meaning He Will Run Again

1/19/2023 9:20 a.m., E.S.T. with COMMENTARY

Appearing on Jack Pattie’s radio show (*) Thursday 1/19/2023, Congress Member Andy Barr (R-KY) made a long-winded retraction of his promise ten years ago to only seek up to six terms in Congress.

He began his sixth two-year term this month, January 2023 in the 118th Congress and he was appointed to the House Financial Services Sub Committee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy.

Barr complained that it took him five terms (ten years) and reelection to a sixth term to get an “important” committee assignment.

While Barr never said “I intend to run again,” he claimed if he does not, then Kentucky and other smaller populated states will never be able to have anyone in a leadership role like the one McConnell has had for decades. But that is not true.

Actually, the population differences between states do not affect tenure now nor would it when everyone is subject to the same total number of terms in office.

We recognize that elections are staggered so the entire bi-cameral body of Congress members is NOT subject to re-election in the same year.

In a term-limit Congress, individuals would still be appointed based on seniority and their advancement would actually happen faster because the most senior term-limit members would leave office sooner than they do now.

Barr’s argument against term-limits is clearly erroneous and specious.

Conservative pundit Mark Levin has called for amending the Constitution to set term limits.

Barr also admitted he worked for McConnell and except for disagreeing with McConnell’s vote, Barr did not criticize McConnell for orchestrating the passage of the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill which requires that:

1. NO money may be used to secure the USA border; and,

2. Much of it must be spent on housing and living expenses for millions of illegal aliens crossing the border under the Rogue Biden regime in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, law, and recent SCOTUS order.

Barr avoided answering a question asked by a member of the audience whether Barr would run for McConnell’s seat, he instead sang praise to McConnell but said he disagrees with McConnell’s decision to vote for the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill.

Conservative radio show host Mark Levin urged his listeners to vote against anyone who does not renounce McConnell’s policies and tactics. No Kentucky acolyte of McConnell has renounced McConnell’s politics nor tactics, including AG Daniel Cameron, candidate in the Republican primary for Governor.

Barr claims that SCOTUS majority is “conservative” thanks to McConnell; however, Levin and others believe Chief Justice Roberts and other so-called conservatives are wishy-washy RINOs and some of their decisions have been more liberal than conservative.

McConnell’s political dirty tricks include opposing true conservatives and instead supporting Rinos which is the reason behind the small majority win of the House majority in November 2022.

Author of “Secret Empires,” Peter Schweitzer, has incriminated McConnell in acts, which if true, constitute alleged major crimes.

McConnell is married to Red ChiCom Elaine Chao who was Trumps’ Secretary of Transportation and also served in the Rogue Bush regime.

The SCOTUS interim order accepting review of lower court decisions involving various states attorneys general requires a return to the Trump era policy of “wait in Mexico” while asylum cases are decided before aliens may emigrate to USA.

SCOTUS will hear arguments in this Spring’s session.

Except for Sen. Rand Paul, all Republicans holding federal office are acolytes of Mitch McConnell, so by Mark Levin’s criterion, none deserve re-election. If you are one of those politicians, and you disagree with this assessment, you are welcome to submit a comment below this article for consideration.


* WVLK-AM 590, FM 97.3, 9 a.m. show 1/19/2023.

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