Criminal COVERUP by AG, DOJ, FBI, National Archives Executives

Mark Levin Alleges Coverup CRIMES

Outlines Method for ARREST of

National Executives at Four Agencies

1/31/2023 Tuesday, Chris Plante Show “… DOJ FBI have become most politically corrupted” [agencies in USA history]

1/26/2023 Mark Levin Radio Show, First Hour

Outspoken conservative attorney and constitutional scholar, Mark Levin, avers that Rogue Biden STOLE classified documents during his time as a U.S. Senator and Vice President. There was no other way for him to take classified material from the secure viewing room without “pulling a Sandy Berger” on us.

Levin also outlined the method for arresting the executive heads of those four agencies.

Sandy Berger was the Clinton Administration official who took classified material by stuffing it into his shorts.

Levin documents that at least as early as Nov. 2, 2022, Attorney General Merrick Garland (dubbed “meritless garland” by Levin) began covering up Rogue Biden’s theft of national security material labelled “CLASSIFIED.”

Garland, who is intellectually over his head as dejure leader of the Department of InJustice (DOI) is corrupt for disparate treatment of Republicans accused of fake ccrimes while allowing Democrats to run scot free.

FBI’s unconstitutional / unlawful racketeering conspiracy conducted by rogue FBI agents illegally spied on his campaign, knowingly using FRAUDULENT FISA Court warrants.

After Trump left office the FBI conspired to target Trump in a bogus classified documents scandal. That plot HAS FIGURATIVELY blown up in their FACES.

AG Garland sent a scandalous letter to various federal jurisdictions directing use of FBI resources to arrest PARENTS who chose to become active against WOKE crimes being introduced in public schools nationwide by school officials whose duty is to protect minors from such crimes.

Levin suggests that the House cut the budgets of the departments involved in these crimes by 20% and offer to restore 10% of that budget in exchange for compliance with subpoenas.

Beyond that, any executive head of any of those agencies can be subject to arrest by the Sargeant at Arms, a process that the ‘wicked witch of the west,’ Nancy Pelosi, suggested using during Trump’s administration.



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