Grammar Cop Cites Buck Sexton’s Two Errors in One Show

COMMENTARY on Grammar in the Public Square

Grammatical Errors of

Puffed-Up Pundits

Grammar Cop on Buck Sexton’s Second Citation in One Show

1/27/2023 Circa 2:13 p.m., EST Citation for Erroneous Subject-Verb Agreement

Buck Sexton on Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

BUCK: “An agenda without wins IS just talking points.”

CORRECTION: “Agenda without wins ARE just talking points.”

Agenda is the plural; agendum is the singular form of the word.

See Webster’s New American Dictionary, 1966. [NOTE: However, in Britain, agenda is the singular and for plural they use “agendas.” Oxford American Dictionary 1980.]

Grammar Cop on Buck Sexton’s First Wrong Tense Citation

1/27/2023 Circa 12:07 p.m., EST The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show

Buck Sexton commented on five black memphis ex-police officers charged with murder in the beating death of black citizen Tyre Nichols.

Buck Sexton said of the five officers: “they were all black and Tyre Nichols is black…” circa 12:07 p.m., EST on the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show 1/27/2023.

CORRECTION: “they are all black” when referring to the race of five Memphis police officers who allegedly viciously beat to death an unarmed black citizen pulled over on a specious claim that the driver was driving recklessly. [NOTE: Race is immutable, the officers are and always will be black; thus, it is erroneous to use the past tense when referring to their race, see how that works Buck?]

The bodycam video is slated to be released today, Friday 1/27/2023 evening which many think is bad timing because it would be better to release during the weekday when the police force is at full capacity to deal with possible rioting.

Buck suggested that young men aged 17-24 would be the most likely to cause rioting troubles in response to the future video release.

Reminiscent of 1955 Emmett Till Murder

A hospital bed-side photo shows Tyre with a swollen face reminiscent of (but not as bad as Emmett Till’s face) after Till was murdered by several white men in retaliation for the child allegedly whistling at a white woman in Money, Mississippi.

Till, from southside of Chicago, was on a school field trip to Money, Mississippi when he was murdered on or about 8/28/1955.


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