Did Chinese Remotely Destroy Spy Balloon’s Data & Equipment?

Beijing Mitch’s Cousins

Gathered Nuclear Secrets

Sent to China Via WIFI Instantly
Destroyed Onboard Equipment Remotely


There is no doubt, among we who are intelligent, that the RedChiCom * Government’s spy balloon transmitted data about nuclear missile sites and USA energy grid in real time via WIFI, satellite, and other real-time technology.

That’s why Rogue Biden should have ordered immediate destruction of the spy balloon while it was over very sparsely populated areas like Alaska and Montana.

In fact, from the week-later shoot-down off the coast of South Carolina, it is very apparent that the balloon did NOT produce a “wide debris field” which was the ruse floated by anti-American Big Brother leaders, Rogue Biden and his minions.

Jackasses Rogue Biden and Beijing Mitch did nothing to ensure the timely removal of a Chinese spy balloon as it entered American airspace over the Aleutian Islands (Alaska).

No doubt, a savvy RedChiCom enemy remotely destroyed the information, content, and equipment AFTER the desired data had been transmitted via hi-tech methods like WIFI and satellitte.

It is not uncommon for governments like China to remotely activate destructive devices designed to obliterate media, information, data, and content, that it does not want to be discovered by enemies like the USA.

Given Rogue Biden’s and Beijing Mitch’s alleged financial ties to the RedChiCom government, it is no surprise that they took no action against China’s spy balloon until it was too late – the Chinese gathered the data they wanted in real time.

Shooting the balloon down off the coast of South Carolina was a ruse to make it look like Rogue Biden and Beijing Mitch are not traitors.

___ Ref.:

* RedChiCom is a moniker coined by the late Rush Limbaugh to represent the Red Chinese Communist government based on its red flag with five gold stars; and, the traditional association of the color red with communism which the left-wing fascists have successfully misassociated with the American Republican Party and RINOs (republican in name only).

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