Is Rep. James Comer a ‘Country Bumpkin’ and Over His Head Already?

“I’ve only been Chair Ten Days”

Earlier Claimed To Be Ahead

of Investigations

2/05/2023 Ben Ferguson Show

Ben Ferguson played a clip of Rep. James Comer (R-Ky) defending his lackluster performance with the excuse “I’ve only been chair ten days,” referencing his seat on the Oversight Committee.

But for months, Comer has bragged to many media outlets that he is ahead of the planned investigations with outstanding subpoenas and plans you know not of.

Including bragging that he has FBI agents, turned informants, on a corrupt machine gone wild.

Comer, who is former Agricultural Secretary of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, does not have a background as a prosecutor nor investigator.

Comer has no other direct education nor experience qualifying him for his role as a chief investigator.

Could Beijing Mitch have orchestrated his failure?

He may be a country-boy way over his head in the mire and muck of Washington politics.

Comer’s biggest problem is that he runs his mouth when he should keep his powder dry. One would have thought every country boy would know that basic principle.

Comer’s referrals to the DOI* (if such ever happens) will go nowhere until the corrupt DOI is routed out as called for by conservative pundit and constitutional scholar, Mark Levin.

JK wishes Comer the best; but, the sophistry of Washington appears to have smothered his sophomoric approach already.

Go read Voltaire’s book, Candide, Jim. I don’t think that was on your reading list in agricultural studies.

I hope you grow a brain and some savvy quickly, especially not to shoot-off your BIG MOUTH instead of keeping your powder dry.

Want some sound advice Jim? Seek advice from a sage Washington attorney not affiliated with Beijing Mitch nor any other jackass. Not likely to find one.

No luck? Then, look for a sage country lawyer who is a patriot and fights the system. The ones I know don’t want the stench of Washington on them.

And good luck if you really are not a McConnell accolyte. Prove it.

Otherwise it looks like your miscalculations are already swallowing you up in the muck.

___ Ref.:

* DOI Department of Injustice as dubbed by Mark Levin as new moniker for Dept. of Justice.

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