Corrupt US AG Garland Avers Racism by Louisville Police

Breonna Taylor Case Fallout

LMPD Shows Pattern of Racism

Says US AG Garland Who Himself

Shows a Pattern of Criminal Racketeering

and Abuse of Office


3/08/23 Back-Bencher Echoing Mark Levin Radio Show [but connecting the dots that he left out]

Louisville Police engaged in a pattern of conduct of racial discrimination in violation of the First and Fourth Amendments according to disgraced U.S. Attorney General ‘Meritless’ Garland.*

But, corrupt Garland left out the FourTEENTH Amendment which is the one that secures to citizens of the states all the federal Constitutional rights like the First and Fourth Amendments, etc.

AG ‘Meritless’ Garland is responsible for the fraudulent prosecution of Trump Supporters in the fake Jan. 6 so-called ‘insurrection,’ which 41k hours of security video debunk completely.

In fact, the video examined by Tucker Carlson (conservative FOX commentator) constitutes evidence unlawfully withheld from defense counsel for the January 6 defendants.

Or copy & paste;

Prosecutors of the Jan. 6 defendants allegedly committed prosecutorial misconduct by withholding exculpatory evidence (the video of the so-called insurrection) in violation of the Brady case law as well as the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The criminal misconduct of prosecutors allegedly rises to a level so sinister that it constitutes violation of the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) 18 USC Sec. 1960 et. seq.

If so, the Jan. 6 Congressional Committee members, the AG, FBI, DOJ, and federal prosecutors who chose to participate in the shenanigans of the fake insurrection all allegedly conspired to use each of their various offices as Racketeer Enterprises in violation of RICO.

RICO is an unusual statute which was originally crafted to go after gangster mobsters and corrupt POLITICIANS specifically.

RICO allows both criminal and civil liability. That means the Government can prosecute criminal charges (or a private citizen can present evidence to file criminal charges) AND private entities who are victims of the RICO conspiracy can file civil suit for TREBLE damages, attorney fees, and punitive damages.

RICO is the mother load of relief for those seeking redress of grievance against that part of the USA Government that has become THE FACE OF EVIL.

And by now, those in the know, understand that means the DOI (Department of InJustice) ** including AG, FBI, CIA, and etc.

Garland, who held his chin down to his chest and mumbled when brought before the House inquisitors, is a failed candidate for SCOTUS, an alleged racketeer, scoundrel, and charlatan.

If we recall correctly, Levin opined he may become the first US AG who may be indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his gross negligence (failing to prosecute true criminals like drug lords, illegal border crossings, child slave labor [covered by Levin during the first week of March 2023], etc.; yet, bringing false cases against Trump supporters; and, seeking FBI raids against parents who protest local school board decisions, etc.

Tonight, 3/08/23, Levin averred that the D.C. jail / prison (where defendants in the fake Jan. 6 ‘insurrection’ are being tortured) is a notorious facility infested with cockroaches and other vermin that have a direct adverse effect on health according to PSAs run by the corrupt USA Government itself.

Cockroach dander is an allergen; roaches also carry scores of pathogenic microbes – bugs that can make people sick or die.

Prisoners would have to file for redress of such grievances on prison conditions in D.C., with the same ilk of corrupt liberal judges who participated in the RICO conspiracy that put them there.

Those judges allegedly conspired to use the office of federal judge as a racketeer enterprise as co-conspirators of the corrupt so-called ‘judiciary’ that brought the fake charges against the January 6 defendants.

So says the evidence released to FOX journalist Tucker Carlson by Republican House Majority Speaker Kevin McCarthy — evidence unlawfully withheld from J-6*** defendants by the corrupt DOJ / prosecutors per the Brady Rule regarding exculpatory evidence.

And then hypocrite AG MeritLESS Garland has the audacity to come to Louisville and aver a pattern of racial discrimination by LMPD?

What about the pattern of predicate racketeering acts perpetrated by MeritLESS Garland and his cronies in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc.?

* Meritless Garland is the nickname coined by Mark Levin for AG Merrick Garland, a failed ineffectual x-federal judge who aspired to SCOTUS but was instead exposed as a radical insurrectionist himself working against the Constitution and trampling the rights of citizens. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WE SAW WHAT YOU DID.

** All bonafide conservative pundits, perhaps beginning with Levin, refer to the Department of Justice as the Department of INJUSTICE. Lady Liberty has melted down, removed her blindfold, and spread her legs for every whoremonger who is greedy for power.

*** J-6 is an acronym representing the January Sixth defendants in the fake insurrection charges as proven by the 41k hours of security video surveillance evidence released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R) to conservative media FOX journalist Tucker Carlson.

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