Build Back Better is Green New Deal & Will Kill Millions for Lack of Energy

Using Brown-Outs to Shut Off Heat and A/C

Will Murder Millions of Americans

in Addition to Over a Million Covid Deaths

3/09/2023 Glen Beck Show

Democrat Party plans to continue shutting down oil production, coal power plants, etc., which will kill millions of Americans who will experience brown-outs due to lack of energy.

For example, Kentucky lost power to 190,000 homes and businesses during the first week of March 2023 due to high winds gusting to 75 mph in one night.

Over a week later, citizens are still without power despite a valiant rescue effort by the interstate power grid pact that sent about 700 trucks into Kentucky to help restore power lines.

KENTUCKY HAD A TASTE OF GREEN NEW DEAL in March 2023 and in 2009 Ice Storm

Brown-outs are a given in an energy deprived economy, as proven by California’s example; Texas floods resulted in the same problem years ago; and, this March Mother Nature gave Kentucky another taste of the Green New Deal’s energy SHUT OFF.

No power for cell phones, cars, refrigerators, hot water for showers, coffee, cooking!! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT KENTUCKY??? What we experienced in the 2009 ice storm and the March 2023 wind storm? Think it through, Generation X, Y, and Z !!!

Grocery stores without power lost thousands of dollars of inventory and could not serve their community.

People rushed to the next nearest store only to find empty shelves and long lines for those who found a little something they needed on the shelf.

Community of global nations like EU members, Great Britain, Germany, etc., who relied upon American energy exports, will also have millions of casualties due to Democrat Rogue Biden’s corrupt “energy” politics.

Texas and Florida Examples of Energy Crises

Texas floods shut down their electrical grid years ago; and, recent weather in Florida caused an energy crisis so great that 75,000 linemen were sent from the interstate energy pact to restore their lost power lines.

Although these were natural disasters, they give Kentuckians, Texans, and Floridians a lil taste of what is just around the corner under Demcrat fascist shutdown of energy production called the GREEN NEW DEAL.

California has, for decades, imposed roving black-outs due to their failed energy regulations which crippled the crippled and killed the vulnerable. We all need energy to survive.


Oh, I’m sorry you recently gave birth; your baby should have been in the abortion ovens of America; so, since IT survived, try to feed it with air. There’s nothing left on the shelves DOPE, no way to produce crops without gas powered tractors in the field, no way to transport crops to market, no way for you to drive to a store, no way for a delivery driver to get to your house, etc.

___ REF.:

See also: Glen Beck Show, 3/09/23 first hour


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