J-6 Defendants are POLITICAL PRISONERS in Washington Gulag

Says Clyde Lewis

41k Hours Video Vindicates

Defendants Falsely Convicted
by Corrupt Washington System

COMMENTARY: 3/08/23 – 3/09/23 Clyde Lewis late night radio show

Imprisoning Citizens on False Charges in Fake Jan. 6 Insurrection Makes USA a Gulag

There’s a reason that the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, obstructed release of the 41,000 hours of surveillance video of the Capitol Jan. 6 so-called ‘insurrection.’

THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION, it was all manufactured by the complicit mainstream media in concert with corrupt Washington politicians who committed Racketeering crimes against the Jan. 6 defendants and all Americans.

Since Clyde’s program aired, the Shaman convict in the fake insurrection was released by the corrupt DOi due to former FOX News’ Tucker Carlson’s reports releasing video showing that the citizen did nothing criminal at all!!! The criminal charges against him were TOTALLY FABRICATED BY the corrupt DOi.

Clyde Lewis averred that “Biden’s days are numbered and he wants to take as many people out with him when he goes. …”

Supporting Ukraine War is Payback for Rogue Biden’s EXTORTION

Biden said if we move the borders of NATO closer to Russia, it will bring war; and, Biden did so by supporting the Ukraine War.

Rogue Biden, while Vice President during Muslim* Obama’s Regime, bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations that he [Biden] extorted Ukraine’s prosecutor to drop the investigation against Rogue Biden’s son, Hunter, or Ukraine will not get the billion dollar aid check from USA. “Call President Obama,” said Biden, he’ll tell you. [Or something similar.]

Audio recording of Rogue Biden’s extortion racket (which has been played scores of times by all the conservative pundits) proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Rogue Biden’s support of the Ukraine war is payback for Ukraine’s Government dropping the investigation against Hunter Biden.

Censoring speech

Disarming citizens – FBI used hospitals to disarm citizens

Cancelling culture

Brain-washing children in pubic [sic] schools- AG instructed FBI to attack free speech of parents

But, we’ll see.

___ REF:

* Obama told George Stephanpoopulus in referring to his [Obama’s] that his faith is “Muslim.” Then, Stephanpoopulus immediately tried to correct Obama – “No Mr. President,” you mean Christian.” But, Obama  never responded to the unwelcome correction.











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