Democrats Oppose Parents’ Rights Bill, Favor Perverting Your Children

House Republicans Pass

Parents’ Rights Bill

to Protect Your Children

Mark Levin Radio Show 3/24/2023

House Republicans passed the Parents’ Rights Bill not one Democrat voted for it. In the Senate, only one Democrat, Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted for it. Without Senate support, the bill fails. Rogue Pres. Biden would never sign it anyway.

The bill would protect parents’ right to know what their children are being taught, what books are in the library, and the right to be heard by local school boards.

This bill was passed by House Republicans in direct response to the Biden Administrations unconstitutional criminal attack against parents when Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland (defunct wanna-be SCOTUS Justice) sent a letter to corrupt FBI directing to attack parents who speak out at local school boards.

Mark Levin, a constitutional scholar, attorney, and conservative pundit proved there is no legal basis for FBI to be involved in local school board free speech by parents.

WOKE Agenda Perverts History, Teaches Hatred Based on Race, Grooms Kids for Sexual Perversion

The Hanna Nicole Jones 1619 project teaches a fictional version of history with a maliciously racist attack against Caucasian founders of America.

At least about one-half-million whites gave their lives fighting the Civil War for the purpose of freeing black slaves.

The Union beat down the Confederate States and President Jefferson Davis’s Democrat Party which continued fighting against black rights after the Civil War.

Democrat Party operatives created the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) to oppress the new-found freedom of former slaves who were freed by Republican President Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War.

The Democrat Party used tactics common to all terrorists, including lynching murders, threats, burning down opponents’ properties, etc., all through their proxy, the KKK.

Democrats enacted so-called ‘Jim Crow’ laws that obstructed newly freed slaves from voting.

Democrats created the separate-but-equal concept that established separate schools for whites and blacks, an unconstitutional practice that was reversed by SCOTUS in 1963.

During the John F. Kennedy regime, Democrats opposed and obstructed the proposed Civil Rights Act.

After Kennedy’s assassination, President Johnson (D-TX) proposed the Civil Rights Act again. His own Democrat Party OPPOSED IT; but, it was passed by Republican in the House and Senate, resulting in the Civil Rights Act of 1965. REPUBLICAN PARTY passed the Civil Rights Act of 1965.

After SCOTUS desegregated schools in 1963, by 1967 Democrats were still obstructing Civil Rights for all.

Alabama Gov. George Wallace stood in the doorway of a school, forbidding blacks to enter. His dramatic obstruction of equal rights for all was quashed only by enforcement by lawful troopers.

Decades later, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of equality in a kind society where each individual would be judged by the content of their heart instead of skin color WAS REALIZED, along came Marxist President Barack Obama who debrided the scar of healed-over racism, stirring up hatred between the races along with the corrupt New York Times and mainstream media.

To be continued … . Return here often.




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