Fauci Still Employed by CDC for Free Federal Guards & Attorney Fees


Fauci Keeps Federal Security Guards

Taxpayers to Pay Future Attorney Fees

Mark Levin Radio Show 3/28/2023


Update: Congress Member Dr. Brad Winstrep on Bill Cunningham Radio Show 1/14/24 11:10 p.m. + Incriminates Fauci in many deliberate perjured statements / many lies. Fauci committed a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY – Sage Editor

Original article:

According to Mark Levin Radio Show, the guy who is behind the biggest CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY since ADOLF HITLER’ and Dr. Josef Mengele*, ANTHONY FAUCI, M.D., is still employed by the CDC after his fake retirement!!!

Why is Fauci remaining an employee, apparently drawing retirement and double-dipping current pay and pension?

TO STIFF TAX PAYERS for his possible future attorney fees should the Congress INDICT HIM for covering up the Covid scandal AND to get free ongoing FEDERAL GUARDS TO PROTECT HIS ASS from the mass(es) whom he criminally attacked with his sinister plot with Beijing Mitch’s cousins, the RED CHI COM** GOVERNMENT !!!

FAUCI HAS PERPETRATE THE BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY SINCE ADOLF HITLER and Dr. Josef Mengele*; and, SHOULD BE INDICTED BY THE WORLD COURT, not protected by American taxpayers who were the victims of his criminal racketeering enterprise.

Fauci allegedly used various organizations to launder federal grants into the hands of the Wuhan lab Red ChiCom scientists for unlawful gain-of-function research that created the Wuhan Virus.

The virus was renamed Covid-19 and SARS-2 by CDC and mainstream media to sanitize the Chinese point of origin where Fauci’s crimes against humanity were hatched against the global population.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul, M.D. (R-KY) is leading the investigation into Fauci’s perjured testimony and coverup of  how Fauci funded Wuhan gain-of-function research that created the deadliest global virus since the 1917 Spanish flu.

The 1917 pandemic is estimated to have killed 50 million people worldwide.

___ Ref.:

* Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Josef Mengele“. Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Mar. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Josef-Mengele. Accessed 30 March 2023.

* Red ChiCom is a term meaning ‘Red Chinese Communist,’ coined by the late Rush Limbaugh.

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