Rogue Biden Family Got $31 Million from Red Chinese Communists

Rogue Biden’s son, Hunter;

Brother, Jim Biden;

Biden-Penn Center – Rogue Joe was paid $900k for doing NOTHING.

4/12/23 Mark Levin Radio Show COMMENTARY:

Rogue Biden Family Got $31 Million from Red Chinese Communists per Peter Schweitzer, author of “Secret Empires,” a book which also incriminates Beijing Mitch McConnell, a rogue RedChiCom enemy within.*

Corruption continues through:

– Rogue DOI*
– Alvin Bragg
– Democrat Party all corrupt; therefore none of James O’Keefe’s findings will be reported nor investigated by mainstream media.

WH visitor logs show Alexander Soros has visited the WH 14 times since Rogue Biden was installed in a coup d’etat orchestrated by the Rogue FBI / DOJ. [See: Levin, Travis & Buck, Plante, Cunningham, etc.]

As of 3/30/23 he went to dinner with the Bidens at WH, but most of the visits regarded national security.

Democrat donors are laundering money by stealing identities of unsuspecting people in whose names the criminals donate to Democrats. – 8:39 p.m.

America First Legal .com

Marco Cleveland:
NY democrats lent Bragg three lawyers to bring Trump down.

Matthew Colangeo, Ass. AG of USA in Rogue Biden’s DOI, was loaned to Bragg to indict Trump. 6:41 pm

Bragg brought in outside democrat lawyers to indict Trump because ..

The head of the Paul Weiss law firm is Robert Schumer, brother of Sen. Chuck Schumer; and, Robert was loaned to Bragg to get Trump.

D law firm & lawyers are intefering with a federal election.

Congress needs little connection as long as there is SOME federal connection.

Why a federal election is being tampered with. It affects the primaries as well as the general election.

Resigned former asst. DA Pomerantz, wrote a book and now Bragg wants to block CM Jim Jordan’s investigation into Bragg’s corruption.

Smoked out by the Federalist.

-6:59 pm, EST, Mark Levin Radio Show

Richard Schumer / not Robert?

Jack Pomerantz offered to do his job for no pay because he wanted to get Trump.

DA Bragg ran on getting Trump.

The entire Democrat machine was behind it, the law firm, Schumer’s brother, the whole thing.

Three career prosecutors in Bragg’s office questioned what Bragg was doing and they resigned.

US Atty, fed elec comm, Bragg, all said nothing here; then, Pomerantz wrote book trashing Bragg and the office and then Bragg dusted it off and indicted Trump.

The other day, the docs case in DC, FOIA Am First Legal, found contemporary evidence in emails \\

FBI got access thru special access request from WH Dept Justice, which only Pres. can use.

Rogue Biden coordinated to obtain Trump records to create a pretext for the FBI raid using a special access request which statute authorizes ONLY the Pres. to do so for “conduct of business of the current WH office.”

Nixon was paid $18 million for reccords he took before the law was passed.

Only a sitting President can seek records from a former President. They cannot do it via DOi.

But it has to relate to current WH business operations, not criminal investigations.

The archivists testified it had no relation to DOi, which was perjury, because supra.

These are not coincidental, they are manufactured by Rogue Joe Biden Regime.

Then Rogue Biden’s WH brought Rogue Prosecutor Jack Smith from exile at the Hague to get Trump.

That’s two cases in which Biden WH and Democrat Party conspired; and, there will be more.

7:25 pm

Geo Soros prosecutors have wreaked havoc on our streets.

Democrats are attacking gas stoves, HVAC systems, we’re talking about one-degree temperature.

The sun is responsible for earth’s weather. The fascists began with colder temperatures; then warmer temperatures; and, eventually they called it “climate change.”

Cows, methane, autos, CO2 (not a pollutant) have nothing to do with changing the climate.

Only nuclear war could substantially have an effect.

Democrats are marching us toward a fascistic state.

7:30 pm:

Levin questions why Rogue Biden does not have regular official press conferences. When he has had them, he read from note cards.

And, he has taken less questions shouted to him as he boards Helicopter One.

Jaqeem Jefferies lied about his uncle’s position at university’s Jew hating comments which were horrendous.

2013 No internet during that era, can’t recall news articles, if any, et., 2019 xfiles podcast:

my father deliberately shielded us from that conversation bc it was intense; many statements my uncle made i disagree with, i left it at that

Jefferies & black student union invited his uncle Dr. Leonard Jefferies, to speak; but he lead a press conference on this appearance.

Jaqeem Jefferies’ current statements contradict the official record, supra.

He disavows his uncle’s prior statements against Jews.

Rogue Biden was racist & segregationist which was covered up in past election.

Jaqeem endorsed antisemite uncle; but, is now revered as a new leader of the Democrat Party.

7:50 pm 4/12/23 Wed.

Rogue Biden Regime intends to make it impossible to buy anything but electric vehicles despite the fact that we do not have an electrical infrastructure large enough to support the anticipated power demand to do so.

This will lead to starvation of millions as it becomes impossible to transport food and products the long distances from field to markets.

8:06 pm:
Gold prices are going up and paper money is devalued by Rogue Biden’s reckless spending creating debt.

Now China says don’t use USA dollar, use our currency.

Rogue Biden destroyed Title Nine for women’s sports rights.

– student loan forgiveness

– open border and fentanyl crossing border

– weapons ”

– unsecured border itself

– autos under attack via regulation

– electric batteries parts come from Congo under child-slave labor and don’t last more than ten years and are highly toxic; the emissions to process the rare earth minerals is also toxic; it is equal to 4-years of gas-engine lead batteries

– RedChiComs are preparing for war, putting strategic military bases to cut us off economically

– EPA director responds that EV batteries, doesn’t kickk in until 2027

– don’t have enough charging stations to recharge EV batteries; where are they?

– don’t want people charging at night when people do laundry, need AC, etc., so when are they supposed to charge up when most people work day shift?

– now have 6% EVs, they want 67% in five years and we do not have the electrical grid to support that

– they tell how they will destroy things but not create things nor can they run the supply chain

– 100s millions tax dollars to support industries that don’t exist; like Solindra ($500 million under Obama lost)

– degrowth movement hates capitalism which has created a vibrant society with more produce available than any monarchy or king or queen ever had available; it is the most perfect system that ever evolved.

– Capitalism is the least racist; socialism is the MOST RACIST system on earth.

– Who produced the eggs? What category of people?

– Socialists have government ownership of production and tracks all production; defining people by sub-categories of race, ethnicity, politics, etc.

– Socialists want to remove personal vehicles, single-family homes, and move you into dense housing and mass transit areas. This began under Rogue Obama and continues under Rogue Biden.

8:28 pm:

Rogue Biden Regime shouldn’t ban stuff like household goods, personal vehicles, local housing zoning, etc., that’s called fascism.

8:38 pm:

1918 Thirteenth Amendment allowed income tax

Now they want to regulate all aspects of society, what kind of energy you may use, where kids are schooled, etc., all done by bureaucrats.

But the constitution says the federal government is supposed to be LIMITED.

Kids were a lot smarter than after Pres. Jimmy Carter (D-GA) regime established a federal dept., of Education.

Bank failures in wealthiest part of nation: Silicon Valley; so, buy gold.

Rogue Biden set up two S-corporations to avoid Obama healthcare and other taxes. – 8:52 pm

8:50 pm:

Dumb Ass Al Sharpton wants protection from conservatives who oppose CRT Critical Race Theory and calls them “Jim Crow.”

Actually, Biden is an active member of Jim Crow legislation, saying he “doesn’t want his children in a racial jungle” during the 1963 school integration debate.

NBC is the network for bigots, idiots, and antisemites.

___ Ref.:

* Beijing Mitch McConnell was incriminated in RICO crimes by author Peter Schweitzer, repeated by most conservative talk show hosts including but not limited to: Mark Levin, Glen Beck, Bill Cunningham, Chris Plante, Sean Hannity, etc. NOTE: “rogue RedChiCom” refers to Red Chinese Communists, euphemism coined by the late Rush Limbaugh.

** DOI = Dept. of InJustice which replaced the DOJ under Obama but, began over a century ago, see “Men in Black” by Mark Levin; Chris Plante also reminded us that the FBI has a legacy of extraordinary CORRUPTION. A LEGACY !

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