Beijing Mitch May Retire, Leaving Democrat Gov. Beshear to Appoint Replacement

Severe Injury May Lead to

Retirement of Sen. McConnell



4/13/23 Mark Levin Radio Show

Washington rumors speculate that EVIL Beijing Mitch, who spent a lifetime career in Washington, D.C., serving himself and the RedChiComs,* his cousins, is likely to retire, leaving open the position of RINO Minority Leader.

After being PUSHED BY A DEMON to fall at a posh dinner party, Beijing Mitch was rushed to hospital on a wing and a prayer to Satan, no doubt.

Traitor, Beijing Mitch, apparently intends to retire so Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear will be responsible for choosing his replacement until the next scheduled election cycle for that Kentucky seat in the U.S. Senate.

The only saving grace is that Kentucky Bill 228 ** [sic] requires a governor to choose among potential candidates of the same political provenance as the outgoing incumbent — meaning a RINO, since the Kentucky legislature is mostly RINO.

One permissible conclusion is that Beijing Mitch’s acolyte, Attorney General Daniel Cameron, would be a great RINO choice to replace evil McConnell.

In fact, apparently a PAC is running a political advert alleging that Cameron is linked by various associations to George Soros’s political entanglements.

Soros’s various political stunts include funding campaigns for candidates who refuse to follow the rule of law, releasing violent criminals, reducing felonies to misdemeanors, and removing the blindfold of Lady Liberty TO GET conservatives on TRUMPed up fake charges.

The advert, in opposition to AG Cameron’s bid for the RINO nomination for Guber, peeks behind the curtain of politics that few Kentuckians have the time to examine on their own.

If Cameron or anyone else has information refuting the PAC claims of AG Daniel Cameron’s alleged connection to criminal USA-hating billionaire George Soros, your comments will be approved unless they violate the rule of law, common courtesy, morality as established by the TORAH, or a rigorous lengthy fact-check, as adjudged in the sole discretion of Sage Editor.

If there is a true constitutional conservative Republican in the Kentucky House or Senate, please leave a comment that you are vibrantly representing Kentuckian values despite RINOs’ political posturing.

Otherwise, the lack of comment, infra, proves the points, IPSO FACTO.

Sage Editor prays that Beijing Mitch will receive the recovery-destiny which the Creator God will adjudge to him.

___ Ref.:

Mark Levin Radio Show 4/13/23 – we won’t tell the particular hour, so you’ll have to suffer through all three, DOPE.

* RedChiComs is a term coined by the late Rush Limbaugh referring to Red Chinese Communists; the color is associated with the communist flag of China; it is NOT racial. Chinese are ‘beijing white’ not red.

** “Bill 228” was apparently passed if Mark Levin was accurate. Ordinarily, passed bills are assigned a Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) number and title which Levin failed to give. This information is subject to update, should we have the time and inclination to do so. We have NO FAITH in Gov. Andy Beshear to obey the state law, as he was recently ordered by a federal court of appeals to pay $275,000 for violating the civil rights of various parties when he shut down church services, sent state police to record license plates of church attendees, and allegedly committed other torts against the population.



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