Mayor Tells Big Brother to Grow Some Balls

Mayor Tells Big Brother to Grow Some Balls

Eyeballs That Is AND A BRAIN

Mayor Proposes Eye Spy Intel Center

Solicits Citizens to Join Spy Operation

Surveillance Camera Network


Mayor Linda Gorton was reelected to her second six-year term in November 2022.

Her FY 2023-2024 budget proposal is the first time Lexington’s budget will surpass one-half billion dollars (> $500,000).

Part of that scheme is growing balls for Big Brother (LFUCG*) eyeballs, that is, including:

– “establish a Real Time Intelligence Center, ***
– with an additional investment of about $150,000 annually in video intelligence software, 
– hiring two intelligence analysts.

“This intelligence software will allow us to combine our existing technology assets, including alerts from
FLOCK license plate readers and video from traffic cameras,** while also allowing the voluntary addition of private security cameras from partnering businesses, and even residential cameras.” – Mayor Gorton Budget Address 4/18/23 [fuller quote below]

If you want to add your personal security camera into the ‘eye spy’ police network, you can help Big Bro surveil your street and maybe solve crimes.

Several, if not all, ring doorbell cams already come with an agreement that local law enforcement can access your footage without a warrant and without your knowledge. The agreement is one with the manufacturer so read the fine print.

Mayor Gorton’s proposed expansion of Big Bro’s eyeballs is more transparent because you need to take affirmative action to be included as part of the surveillance network.

Mayor Gorton’s Budget Speech:

“Our investment in FLOCK license plate readers has been an enormous success, enabling our police to locate missing persons and close cases faster. FLOCK helps police solve cases involving burglaries, stolen vehicles, violent assaults, and even the arrest of murder suspects.

“We currently have more than half of our license plate readers deployed, working our way up to 100.

“In just over a year, FLOCK has helped us:

– find 18 missing persons,
– take 46 guns off our streets,
– charge 246 people with crimes; and,
– recover over $2 million in stolen property.

“Flock has clearly demonstrated that technology reinforces police resources, strengthens cases, and saves time.

orwellian big brother camera surveilling you
Grow more eyeballs says Mayor Linda Gorton to Big Bro !

“That’s why I am proposing we take the next step and:

– establish a Real Time Intelligence Center, ***
– with an additional investment of about $150,000 annually in video-based intelligence software.
– … hiring … two intelligence analysts.

“This intelligence software will allow us to combine our existing technology assets, including alerts from
FLOCK license plate readers and video from traffic cameras, while also allowing the voluntary addition of
private security cameras from partnering businesses, and even residential cameras.

“Businesses and individual citizens can choose to have a direct impact on the safety of our community through
this technology partnership.

“The software combines these assets into a single source. It is an investigative tool, and a resource we can use
to streamline emergency response and incident management with real-time information for our first

“I want to be clear, our investment in this software technology, along with license plate readers and recorded
traffic cameras, will not be used for traffic tickets – that is against state law.

“We have taken steps to tightly control the use of these technologies within our Police Department’s Real-Time Intelligence Center through
appropriate policy, procedure, and oversight.

“Technology is the future. Like the Flock program, intelligence software will enable us to:

– solve crimes faster,
– support our officers; and,
– strengthen the cases we take to court because there will often be video to back up witness statements.”

___ Ref.:

* LFUCG is Lexington Fayette Urban County Government, aka ‘Big Brother,’ ‘Big Bro’

** Video traffic cameras were installed decades ago with the promise they would never be used by police spies; however, staff monitoring police radio traffic soon began hearing officers request traffic monitors to check for wanted vehicles they were in hot pursuit of.

*** Real Time Intelligence Center is dubbed Eye Spy Center by Sage Editor.

Mayor’s Office:

Mayor’s News Page:

Mayor’s Proposed Budget FY 2023-2024:

Click to access Final%20Final%20FY%2024%20MPB%20book.pdf

Mayor’s Speech on Budget / Big Bro’s Eyeballs:

Click to access FY2024BudgetAddress.pdf


Mayor’s Proposes Eye Spy Intel Center,
Solicits Citizens to Join Spy Operation,
Surveillance Camera Confederacy,
Mayor Linda Gorton,
lexington’s budget one-half billion dollars $500000,
real time intelligence center,
video intelligence software,
hiring two intelligence analysts,
FLOCK license plate readers,
video traffic cameras,
voluntary spy network,
residential cameras,
budget address 4/18/23,
police network,
Big Bro,
Big Brother,
surveillance cameras,
intelligence analysts,
flock license plate readers,
video traffic cameras,
investigative tool,
streamline emergency response,
incident management,
real-time surveillance information,
traffic tickets,
Police Department’s Real-Time Intelligence Center,
lexington fayette urban county government,



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