Nikki Haley Shoved Foot into Mouth

Haley’s Invitation for Disney

to Come to South Carolina

Exposes Her as WOKE RINO

4/26/2023 COMMENTARY Mark Levin Radio Show, 2d Hour circa 7:30 + p.m., EST

Mark Levin reported that candidate for Republican Presidential nomination, Nikki Haley*, invited woke Disney World Theme Park / Magic Kingdom Park to move from Orlando, Florida to South Carolina.

Therefore Levin concluded Haley is not up to fight the cultural wars that are staged by leftist Marxists to destroy the USA’s culture and liberty.

Nikki Haley is a woke dope who is now off the viable list of candidates for Republican nomination for President. Sage Editor already knew Haley is going nowhere faster than a speeding bullet.

Haley invited Disney World to move to her home state, South Carolina.

Disney World allegedly attempted to interfere with Florida public school children’s right to have a safe and happy childhood.

Disney World allegedly promoted parts of woke propaganda in public education in Florida.

Florida’s state legislature, acting under direction from Gov. Ron De Santis (R-FL) terminated Disney’s special privilege to act as an independent city/county in its own right (to determine local ordinances, rules, policies, etc.).

Disney, acting under a newly appointed and former CEO, has filed suit against De Santis for actions taken to terminate its perks which no citizen and no other corporate entity enjoys.

Woke propaganda includes brain-washing kids to hate each other based on race, hatred of America, a right to change gender during the tender years of childhood WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT AND INVOLVEMENT; and, placing pornographic books in elementary and high school libraries.

Nikki Haley is therefore exposed as a pro-woke propagandist.

Other data proves she is wishy-washy on abortion, disapproving for herself, approving for others who so choose. Women have a right to murder unborn babies who have to be born before being murdered – so complicated, NOT.

Sage Editor concurs with Levin that Haley has distinguished herself as UNFIT for public service. This is NOT an endorsement, it is opprobrium justly deserved. does NOT endorse candidates, we expose truth revealing their true agenda.

___ Ref.:

* Haley is former Gov. of South Carolina (RINO-SC) and former ambassador to United Nations (UN) during Trump’s Administration. She revealed that her heritage is India-American citizen, so kudos to her diversity contribution as well. She quit her UN gig and is therefore a QUITER.



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