It’s OK to Raise Farting Cows: Climate Change Terrorism Debunked

CO2 Not a Pollutant

Gas Stoves Burn Very Clean

Electrical Grid Unable to Support Expected Demand
Hoodwinking of the Dopes & Kid Sheeple

5/05/23 Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory

Truth in Energy and Climate Organization’s spokesman, Frank La Say, debunked the popular myths of climate change fascists who have brainwashed our children with CRT, hatred of racial ethnicities, fraudulent claims that the “earth is on fire” and we will all die soon, a fraud that has been repeated in various iterations since the 1960s.

Former President Barack Obama owns one or more mansions within feet of the Atlantic Ocean coast. Do you think he would buy that if the oceans were rising and swallowing up land on a daily basis?

Shifts in coastlines are micro-shifts, not feet, and not swallowing up large tracks of beaches. For example, fractions of an inch may change along the east coast of USA; Alaska gained some land due to receding water levels; while Sweden gained about 3 inches of coastline.

Put your pencils and tablets down. THINK if the fascistic teachers have not also robbed you of the ability to use your mind to crunch data.

The oceans are over 12,000 feet deep, so it is not possible to accurately estimate mere inches of change in sea levels, even over a millenium of time !!! FRAUD against the people of the earth is what climate terrorists are perpetrating, FRAUD.

The globalist elite billionaires have conspired to use climate change as the impetus / banner under which to trick the dumbed-down generations into submission to their tyrannical control, just as Hitler did to the Germans.

Death Will Come From Climate Change Laws, Not Actual Climate Change

Billions will die when fascists pass laws that restrict your right to LIFE itself by ordering you NOT TO GROW FOOD, NOT TO USE FOSSIL ENERGY SOURCES, NOT TO RAISE FARTING COWS, etc.

CO2 is a TRACE GAS That Cannot Fuel Changes in Climate

Increasing CO2 is actually helping the earth, just the opposite of politicians who falsely assert that CO2 is a pollutant.

8 billion tons of coal

36 billion …

crop yields, even in poor countries without GMO are increased by 50%; rice yields food for half the world’s population.

The climate change fascists are publishing propaganda, not facts.

H2 is a scam, energy must come from ___ sources.

USA coal energy was 22% in 2022.

Standarford Field in Louisville, Ky., has 15 degrees higher heat index than ambient area.

Ans.: Vikings lived in Greenland, was warmer, they got frozen out. Grew citrus and wine grapes in England, etc., Medieval warm period; evidence that there was a warm period.

Warm island effect, cities are hotter than country areas because concrete roads and buildings absorb heat and release heat at night.

Airports, temp gauges of NASA & NOAH closed 1/3 of the stations and now fabricate the data that is missing.

Temp stations that were formerly in a farm field are now in parking lots that release heat from the asphalt and concrete, making the temperature readings higher.

EPA has fudged the forest fire data because we now have 1/4th less fires despite their lies.

China  burns 4 billion tons of coal, most in the world, half the world’s use; only 20% is cleaner with sulfites removed.

Even ships burn diesel that leaves chemtrails that COOL the earth and are seen on google earth website; so there are a lot more sulfites in the atmosphere today than before.












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