Open Border Murder and Mayhem Rogue Biden Regime Conspiracy to Destroy USA

Gov. Beshear Invited Border Emergency into Kentucky


Dead Bodies Already Piled Up Says Raven Harrison

UN Agenda 2030 Migration Goals
Fake News NOT Covering Border Crisis
Conspiracy to Takeover USA

UPDATE 5/22/23 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants Illegal Immigrants Sent to Every City Not Just Democrat Run Ones

Sage Editor observes that neither Louisville, Lexington, nor any other Kentucky city is prepared for the invasion of tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and terrorists into our Commonwealth.

But it is already happening in Texas and other border states are declaring states of emergency while the corrupt government-controlled so-called news media ignore the problem.

Sen. Ted Cruz (not on the show) earlier today reported that many towns and cities in Texas have declared a state of emergency due to the invasion encouraged by the Rogue Biden regime (which was installed by the corrupt deep state according to former President Trump).

Clyde Lewis’ “Ground Zero” Radio Show 5/11/23 11:20 pm *

Clyde’s guest, Raven Harrison,** a journalist, is reporting an emergency on the southern border states, especially Texas. Bombs, shootings and bodies piled up so many that you’d have to put them in a truck and haul them away.

Armed invaders are loading themselves into rail train boxcars, said Harrison.

They are breaking into homes that appear to them to be vacant (even if they are not) to get food, use bathrooms, and charge phones.

“Our economy on life support has already received seven million under Rogue Biden regime and now hordes from 164 different nations are pouring across the southern border including Chinese and Haitian nationals bringing every illness you can imagine,” said Harrison.**

Title 42 protected the border under Trump Regime is to be replaced tonight with Rogue Biden Regime’s Title 8 which will release illegal immigrants into the homeland interior with a “promise” to appear for immigration hearing in several years.

Title 42 under Covid excuse required aliens to remain in Mexico until processed; Title 8 governs processing of aliens using APBP app per Rogue Biden regime.

Sen. Ted Cruz said this is a decision by Rogue Biden regime to open the borders.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are gathered at the southern border to invade the sovereignity of the USA just after midnight 5/11/23 when Trump’s Title 42 enforcement expires.

Callers to the Clyde Lewis “Ground Zero” show opined that the aliens include UN troops that are “sleeper cells” which will attack American citizens upon command from the New World Order.

Clyde Lewis recalls the “Vampire 2000” tactical drill in Alaska – world insurgence drill.

The collapse of the USA border is part of fulfilling UN Agenda 2030 (a PDF),” said Clyde Lewis. Click here for the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 web page which explains that the overall goal is to advance ESG globally.

ESG is the economic, social, environmental policies promoting the fake “climate change” terrorism.

Each conservative pundit including Chris Plante, Mark Levin, and Glen Beck railed about Rogue Biden and Democrat Party’s open border policy and the failure of the propaganda media to cover the invasion story.

Meanwhile, corrupt Sen. Chuck Schumer continues claiming that the border is NOT open.

Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, said anyone who enters illegally will be returned to Mexico and banned from re-entering for five years. He also claims the border “is NOT open.”

Gov. Beshear’s Betrayal of Kentuckians

Democrat Gov. Beshear is on the record inviting illegal immigrants into Kentucky. During his first year in office, Beshear notified federal authorities that Kentucky is open to receive such aliens.

Beshear also supports mutilation of minors without parental consent via the corrupt evil-minded teachers’ unions operating subversively in the Commonwealth to create gender confusion in our population.

Beshear unconstitutionally ordered closure of churches and sent corrupt state troopers to church parking lots to record license plates of the congregations during the fraudulent Covid shut-down.

An appellate court ordered Beshear to pay $275,000 in damages for violating civil rights of plaintiffs, an award that will come out of the pockets of all Kentuckian taxpayers.

___ Ref.:

Related Story Gov. Beshear Must Put National Guard on High Alert Against Illegal Invasion

* Mark Levin Radio Show and Glen Beck Show aired earlier 5/11/23 also mirror the Clyde Lewis observations and opinions. Eg., Levin opined that [Beijing Mitch] McConnell nowhere to be seen, incommunicado, does not represent conservative Republicans, hates Trump & Desantis, same crowd as Rogue Biden. – 6:42 pm 5/11/23; and, Growing tyrannical regime is destroying USA from within.

** Ravin Harrison describes herself as “Native/African American.”




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