Target’s EVIL Satanic Products Body-Shame Children, Support Woke Trans Agenda

Beck Alleges Target Partnered with Satanists*

Sells Satanist Products


UPDATE: 5/28/23 – “Target is truly Satanic EVIL … targeting kids,” says Julie Gunlock (Independent Women’s Forum) guest on Bill Cunningham radio show, 11:36 p.m.

5/25/2023 Glen Beck Radio Show

Glen Beck and his guest assailed Target, urging a boycott, for allegedly:

  • partnering with a “known Satanist,”
  • selling women’s swim suits that have a “penis-tuck” pocket to allow boys to try to hide their genitalia and dress as girls;
  • selling a tight top that encourages girls to hide their breasts by mashing them into their chest
  • ALL promoting body-shame on minor children*

THIS IS EVIL,” said Glen Beck, as he urged a major boycott against Target. ***

Beck also explained that there are about 12 individuals in Wall Street banking industry who are allegedly leading various corporations like Budweiser** and Target to promote the evil woke ideology through their various product offerings, adverts, etc.

___ Ref.:

* 5/25/2023 second hour, 10:40 p.m., et. seq. Body-shaming can lead to suicide if untreated, in an era of increased suicides among young tweens. Beck avers that Target has Satanist partner, an unsubstantiated allegation that is compelling since Beck has an impeccable reputation for honesty and Target allegedly sells Satanic products that body-shame children which could lead to suicides.

** Bud Light controversy caused by a transgender marketing effort to distance the product from “frat” type beer drinkers who were the staple customer resulted in over a 20% market loss for the company itself; and, many bars that sold the product are taking a haircut, some begging customers to come back.

*** does NOT urge boycotts and we are only reporting what a nationally syndicated talk show host said because it is his explicit emphatic solution to crushing the woke attack against religion, faith, tradition, borders, language, culture. That being said, SHAME ON YOU TARGET, like Glen’s guest, sage editor has not graced your demonic store in over a year.

What's Your Gutsy Feeling on this?