Satanic FBI Culling Agency to Increase Corrupt Agents, Fire Honest Agents, & Retaliate Against Whistleblowers

Violating Whistleblower Statute

is a Seditious Conspiracy

Against Government of “We The People”

5/28/23 Ben Ferguson Radio Show 5/28/23 1st hour – Imprimatur: 12/13/23

FBI retaliated against three whistleblowers and is weeding out all conservative honest agents to cull the agency into a totally corrupt seditious bureau that is weaponized against We The People of the American Republic according to commentary of Ben Ferguson radio show.

Whistleblower FBI Agent Garrett Boyle testified to CM James Comer’s Oversight Committee (US House) that the FBI caused him to sell his home, moved him across the country, and suspended him from work on the first day he reported for work, leaving his family (a wife, four daughters, including one only two weeks old).

The corrupt FBI rendered him and his family homeless and refused to release his belongings. Remember, this involved minor daughters, one only two weeks old. How evil is that? IT IS SATANIC, perhaps more Satanic than Hitler’s crimes.

FBI is PURE EVIL and violated the Whistleblower statute to retaliate against alll who dared report illegal seditious conspiracy inside the FBI.

Biden Regime is Totally Corrupt

Biden’s US Atty, Rachel Rollins, for Massachusettes resigned due to “willful violation” of the Hatch Act that is an “extraordinary breach of public trust.”

Rollins went to a political fundraiser and sabotaged a candidate by releasing nonpublic information to the public.

Journalists whistleblowers got visits from the IRS at their homes. 9:20 p.m., 5/28/23.

Durham Report Summarized Many Crimes of Corrupt FBI

FBI conspired to:

1. Coverup crimes of HiTlary Clinton (her campaign allegedly funding the fraudulent Steele Dossier, destroying evidence under subpoena in a federal investigation of the computer servers she unlawfully placed in her home, etc.).

2. Install HiTlary Clinton as President (Cunningham, 10:43 p.m., 5/28/23).

3. “Get Trump,” to interfere with his Presidential campaign, regime; and, charge him falsely with crimes; raid his Mar-a-Lago home; all in acts of disparate treatment, etc.

Bill Cunningham railed against the corrupt FBI / DOi in his radio show on 5/28/23, using the findings of Special Prosecutor John Durham; and, touching upon CM James Comer’s (RINO, Ky)* Oversight Committee testimony from FBI whistleblowers.

___ Ref.:

* CM James Comer (RINO, Ky.) is classified as a RINO because of his hypocrisy in investigating Rogue Biden while ignoring the alleged wrongdoing of RINO Leader Beijing Mitch McConnell’s Crime Family as detailed in the book by Peter Schweitzer called “Secret Empires.” McConnell controls vast amounts of potential campaign donations throught the Senate leadership funds; and, according to Mark Levin, Beijing Mitch doles out money to fund RINOs when more conservative candidates run in Repubican / RINO primaries. Beijing Mitch also allegedly requires those candidates receiving funds to promise to support his bid for reelection as Republican leader, hence he is the longest serving RINO in that capacity.












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