Obama Allegedly Conspired to Frame Trump and General Flynn – Durham Report

“All Roads Lead to Obama”

Says Wayne Allyn Root

on Durham Report Findings

Bill Cunningham Radio Show, 5/28/23, 2d hour COMMENTARY RADIO SHOW

“Elections may be so rigged that we may never win another Presidential election,” said Wayne Allyn Root.*

The Durham Report traced the corrupt spying against former President Trump straight to the White House and then President Obama who allegedly conspired with ex-FBI director James Comey and other operatives to steal the 2016 election but underestimated the massive vote against HiTlary Clinton and FOR Trump so that, in the end, the unexpected happened.*

Comey’s rogue agency filed FRAUDULENT affidavits with the FISA Court to obtain unconstitutional spy warrant against a candidate for the presidency, Donald J. Trump in 2016.

Comey’s rogue corrupt FBI informed Obama and his cronies about the operation including opposition candidate HiTlary Clinton’s campaign funding the fraudulent Steele Dossier.

ALL ROADS LEAD TO BARACK OBAMA” averred Wayne Root and Bill Cunningham, gleaning evidence from Special Prosecutor John Durham’s Report.

___ Ref.:

* 2016 election rigging by corrupt rogue elements in the FBI / DOi failed; but, they used fraudulent vote harvesting and other dirty tricks to steal the 2020 election to rig it in favor of rogue Biden.

CM James Comer (RINO, Ky) Oversight Committee has documented that Biden Crime Family has violated money laundering statutes (18 USC Sec. 1960 et.seq., “RICO” Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, Hatch Act, etc.) in a pay to play bribery scheme.

2 thoughts on “Obama Allegedly Conspired to Frame Trump and General Flynn – Durham Report

  1. no surprises here and wayne needs to go take a tranquilizer bc he hyperventilates, hyperpercolates, and gulps out words fast as though he’s afraid bill cunningham is going to cut his mic off so wayne wants to get out his long-winded opinion before that happenz

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