Rogue Biden, Soros, and Iran Allegedly Instigated the Hamas v. Israel War

Impeach Rogue Biden NOW

Investigate George Soros

Conspiracy to Destroy USA

COMMENTARY – Mark Levin Radio Show 10/30/23

1. Impeach Rogue Biden – His regime is re-funding Iran which uses the money to build nuclear bomb and help Hamas start war against Israel in which American citizens have died and been taken hostage.

Rogue Biden has the blood of hundreds of thousands of American citizens on his hands because he will not enforce closing the border as required in the Constitution.

As a result, deadly fentanyl is being smuggled across the border and sent throughout the states, killing hundreds of thousands of victims.

2. Investigate George Soros’s alleged funding of operations intended to overthrow the USA Government of We The People via open borders, refusal of prosecutors to prosecute serious crimes, etc.

[6:20 – 6:25 p.m.]

Soros’ nonprofit (“Open Society Foundation”) allegedly gave $15 million for pro-Hamas protests. Tides Center allegedly gave millions to eradicate Israel to groups like Adullah Justice Project organization.

Soros & son Alex have allegedly supported pro-Hamas organizations, anti-Semetic groups subsidized by nonprofit IRS designation which means Congress has a duty to investigative oversight of Soros’ specious operations.

Soros is spending his money to destroy America,” alleged Levin. [6:43 p]

Turkey’s leader Erdogan is also helping Hamas and Levin called him “a Nazi pig.”

Levin wants a list of colleges where Muslims are allegedly being attacked according to Rogue Biden’s lies.

No such events are happening but it is against Jews. Where are Jews organizing and attacking Muslims? Nowhere despite Rogue Biden’s claims that America has Islamophobia.

Iran, Turkey, and China are the centers of Islamophobia because they persecute Muslims who disagree with persecution of Jews.


Second Hour, Mark Levin Radio Show

Students for Justice in Palestine – Hamas supporters in the USA entered via student visas and now allegedly cheering chaos through protests in various cities here.

7:42 p.m.

MEMRI says the tunnels in Gaza are allegedly built to protect Hamas fighters, NOT the citizens according to Right Scoop site / MEMRI.

Hamas claims that protecting the citizens in Gaza is up to the UN and Israel, NOT Hamas which is the allegedly “elected” government.

Third Hour

Venezuela’s Worst Gangsters Wrecking Havoc in USA / Daily

Iranians & Syrian Criminals Cross Rogue Biden’s “Sealed Border” / BriteBart

Hamas & Jihad have killed more Muslims than any other entities. [8:14 p.m.]

8:35 p: BaconforJustice [what ?? – specious]

FJP chapter / hamas / georgemason univ (GMU) & Univ. Virginia chapters

#s mid eastern students 18k saudis, 9k iran, 8.2 pakistan, 8.4 turkey, __ kuwait = > 61k

GMU students rallied for hamas against israel

DOJ is totally corrupt & Stalinist – DC judge is an Obama hack who does not deserve a bench nor courtroom.

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