Sen. Rand Paul Incriminated in Funding Iran Supporting Hamas Attack v. Israel

Rogue Biden Funded Iran $6 Billion

Before & $10 Billion After Attack

Biden Bullying Israel to Stand Down

Sen. Rand Paul Is an Antisemitic JACKASS

11/15/23 Wed., Mark Levin Radio Show COMMENTARY

The October 8, 2023 attack against Israel by Gaza’s elected Hamas politicians constitutes a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY which is being defended by Rogue Biden regime according to many broadcasts by Mark Levin Radio Show.

October 8, 2023 was the Last Great Day feast ending the “ten days of awe,” celebrating YAH the Creator God described in Exodus 3:14.

Tonight, Levin avers that Rogue Biden funded Iran $6 billion before the attack, enabling the attack; and, after the assault of infants, children, women, and men; Rogue Biden aided Hamas by re-funding Iran an additional $10 billion of unfrozen funds.

Rogue Obama un-froze $1.7 billion at the end of his tenure, delivering almost $2 billion in cash to criminal regime of Iran.

Trump re-froze the remaining funds.

Then, ROGUE BIDEN un-froze the money which is fungible, allowing Iran to finance Hamas’s attack against the nation-state, Israel, founded in 1948 under the aegis of the UN, USA, and Roman Catholic Vatican treaties.*

Plot to Overthrow Israel / USA: Deep State’s Seditious Insurrection

Rogues Obama and Biden allegedly plotted a seditious insurrection against the Government of We The People when their rogue administrations approved visas for [future insurrectionists] who became members of USA college student organizations under the umbrella moniker “Students for Justice in Palestine,” which has staged many antisemitic rallies favoring the brutal Hamas attack against Israel, supra. [Levin, 10/13/23]

Such organizations also staged antisemitic pro-Hamas rallies in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky, which are part of a network of antisemitic student organizations at 300 American universities.

Rand Paul is a JACKASS – Incriminated in Rogue Obama Regime’s Antisemetic Support

cute donkey jackass represents democrat party icon
Sen. Rand Paul called a JACKASS by Mark Levin for supporting Rogue Obama’s funding of Iran.

Levin further alleged that Sen. Ran Paul (R-KY) is a JACKASS because “he fought to fund Iran” during the Rogue Obama regime. [Levin, 10/25/23; 8:44 p.m.]

Iran is a known terrorist state that funds criminal activities of Hamas, and globally.

Hamas vows for the total destruction of Israel.

Hence, Sen. Rand Paul is complicit in antisemetic attack funded by Iran.

SHAME ON YOU SEN. RAND PAUL. Maybe you should be in prison with your neighbor!

Rand Paul’s politics are definitely mixed-up even if they do lean Libertarian, certainly not totally conservative given his father’s weird influence.

Rand Paul should NOT be re-elected in his future campaign; and, Democrats should run a strong candidate against him like Gov. Andy Beshear or Amy McGrath.


* Nation-state, Israel, founded in 1948 under the aegis of the UN, USA, and Roman Catholic Vatican treaties; see The USA, Vatican, & Israel in Bible Prophecy by Fritz & Slaughter, pp. 493 et. seq., ISBN: 0-9789470-0-2 and 9780978947002, published in 2007. Citing official USA Diplomatic declassified secret records and other official documents.




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