MOB BOSS Rogue Biden Strips Texas of Projects Worth Millions

MOB BOSS Rogue Biden Strips Texas of Projects Worth Millions

in Response to Gov. Abbott’s

Border Rebuke & Standoff

No More Federal Project $$ for You

1/28/2024 Informed by Ben Ferguson Radio Show

“The President is trying to hurt citizens in a state … you better get in line and if you screw with us we will put you in check … Biden hasn’t even done this with Iran,” said political pundit Ben Ferguson.

Texas Gov. Abbott erected razor wire along the border to deter illegal immigrants.

Rogue Biden regime appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court; and, the Court issued an Order accepting the case; but, did not restrict Texas in its action while staying a lower court order that prevented Rogue Biden regime from removing the razor wire blockade.

As a result, USA agents can remove the razor wire but Texas can re-erect it immediately and possibly even use armed force to defend their border.

Twenty-five Republican governors have issued statements supporting Gov. Abbott; and, some have pledged to send their state National Guard troops to help.

Kentucky’s Gov. Andy Beshear (D-Nazi) has not so pledged. Imagine the Commonwealth his children will inherit when he sent a letter to Dept. Homeland Security (DHS) inviting illegal immigrants to settle in one of the poorest states in the union.

Costing local taxpayers higher school taxes, property and crime costs, increased insurance rates, etc.

Fear of crime among the elderly and disabled is incalculable.

cute donkey jackass represents democrat party icon
Admit it: donkeys are cute but their politics kickass.

Andy Beshear is a MONSTER of incredible PROPORTIONS: he supports murder of the unborn up to the day of birth; and, mutilation of minor children without parental notice nor consent; and, propagandizing children with perverted sexual indoctrination material.



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