Election Interference Gone Wild 2: Fake Fraud Case Against Trump Aims to Bankrupt Him

Alleges Pundit Bill Cunningham

Trump Unconstitutionally Targeted by

Alleged Evil Prosecutor Alvin Bragg in NYC

COMMENTARY: Bill Cunningham Radio Show 2/18/24

Attorney and political pundit, Bill Cunningham avers / alleges that the NYC case charging Trump with fraud in obtaining loans to operate his businesses is unlawful election interference aimed at bankrupting Trump’s enterprises.

The alleged corrupt judge on the case awarded the state of New York $355 million in damages after:

  1. Bank officials testified in favor of Trump, that no fraud was involved.
  2. The alleged corrupt judge ruled that Mara Lago is only worth $18 million, when in fact, it is worth closer to $700 – 800 million if not more!
  3. Trump was denied a trial by jury, meaning the judge had total control of the case.

Unfortunately for the judge, Trump has recourse to the federal Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) provisions making it a crime (and a tort*) to use federal wire and mail to make false statements in furtherance of a conspiracy to violate the civil rights of another person.

Fortunately for the judge, Trump is reasonable and not likely to bring suit against him.

Allegedly, “Judge” Engoron has violated many provisions of RICO, which was originally passed to target corrupt judicial figures and organized crime.

Wayne Allyn Root, appearing on Bill Cunningham’s show encouraged a total boycott of New York City and state by truckers, consumers, and all others with business in the state. The JournalKentucky.com DOES NOT SUPPORT BOYCOTTS and urges others to ignore ignorant suggestions from pundits who hyperventilate during interviews.

Coincidentally, President Trump encouraged ending the boycott against Bud Light, a feat that may be hard to accomplish given the animosity generated by the King of Beers’ ill-fated attack against straight white males fandom.

___ Ref.:

* “Tort” is an act that makes one liable in civil damages to the person injured by the tortious act: false statements, using federal wire/mail in furtherance of a criminal act [abuse of office], etc. When your dog bites someone, that is a tort / tortious act for which you may be held liable in civil damages.

Trump called Judge Arthur Engoron a ‘lunatic’ Trump slams Judge Engoron as a ‘lunatic’ during Michigan rally, Washington Examiner

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