G-5 Solar Flare Threw Compass 45 Degrees Off North

G-5 Solar Flare Threw Compass 45 Degrees Off North

North Became North-East

Strongest Solar Flares for Decades

Began Friday 5/10/24, Continuing

5/11/24 News G-5 Solar Flares Began 5/10/24, Shifted Poles 45 Degrees NE

G-5 solar flare shifted north pole 45 degrees to the northeast
G-5 solar flare (5/10/24) shifted north pole 45 degrees to the northeast and Sage Editor’s compass did shift. It could effect  computers, electronics , and cell phones for days to weeks before polar shift self corrects.

Compasses are out of whack again. Sage Editor keeps a compass open, monitoring polar shifts that have occurred twice now in a twelve month period.

True North now registers as North-East by 45 degrees, as shown by the compass photo.

Solar flares may adversely affect all electronics, computers, even backup systems that are not protected by Faraday cages.

Your House Can Become a Faraday Cage

A Faraday cage can be a covering made of iron, steel, aluminum, or copper.

To make your house resist solar flares and electromagnetic pulses, upgrade to the following features:

  • tin / aluminum roof
  • aluminum window shades
  • aluminum siding instead of vinyl or brick
  • protect all air-conditioning units with faraday cages.
  • in emergency, place aluminum foil over inside of windows and walls, even creating one room with 100% coverage
  • put all external hard drives, laptops, and thumb drives into an aluminum or tin box, even if it means making your own by covering a cardboard box with aluminum foil. Use heavy-duty aluminum foil, even other grades will help.

Few people have taken steps to protect their property from solar flares and EMPs.


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