Rogue Biden Brags About His “Extensive, Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization”

Rogue Biden Brags About His “Extensive, Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization”

Election Ready Fraud Machine

Biggest, Best, Slickest

Voter Fraud Plan for 2024 Election

commentary comics on democrat voter fraud machineWe, Barack Obama’s Administration, have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization, in the history of American politics” said Rogue Joe Biden in a recorded statement played on the Bill Cunninham Radio Show on 5/19/24.

Biden was referring to millions of illegal aliens who will vote by showing up on election day, being instantly registered, sign their ballot, and leave the ballot for Democrat operatives to complete in favor of the Democrat Party, according to political pundit, Bill Cunningham.

Biden referred to millions of illegal aliens as “Hispanic voters,” explaining they are “why our economy is so good;” and “Spanish is the future language of America.”

From these facts, pundit Bill Cunningham deduced that the Democrats will replace Biden with Michelle Obama before the November elections, adding it was a bad idea for Trump to accept debates with Biden so soon.

Early debates will let the Democrats decry Biden’s performance and give them time to replace Biden with Michelle Obama, said Bill Cunningham.

Bill Cunningham has a Rocky History on Predictions

Cunningham is a practicing lawyer in Cincinnati and winner of two Marconi Awards for broadcast / free speech excellence.

However, Cunningham has been seriously wrong in past elections in which he predicted that the large voter turnout for the contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney meant the Republicans would win the White House, which was completely wrong.

First of all, large voter turnout overall is not probative of which party will win.

Secondly, Cunningham failed to account for the large numbers of women who voted for Obama to be the first black president.

Thirdly, Cunningham failed to realize the large on-the-ground machine that the Democrats always operate to the chagrin of Republican do-nothings.

Cunningham now lists the following facts about how Democrats stole the 2020 election:

  • hundreds of drop boxes,
  • no signature match,
  • ballot harvesting,
  • and 2024 will add millions of illegal aliens voting.

But, he forgot the role of the deep state suppressing freedom of the press.

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